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  • Blog
    August 18, 2023
    Beyond the headlines of a “crypto winter,” a wealth of business-relevant digital currency developments and Web3 opportunities demand C-suite attention.Consumer and business cryptocurrency adoption continues to increase despite the industry’s well-publicized struggles in the past 18 months. According to The Atlantic Council, which tracks CBDC initiatives in 130 countries, 11 countries — Nigeria,…
  • Blog
    July 27, 2016
    If your marketing strategies cost more than they earn, they obviously aren't good long-term marketing strategies. One of the most useful tools at your fingertips for ensuring and increasing your marketing investments' value is predictive analytics. Specifically, using predictive analytics to anticipate an individual customer's needs and wants. Predictive modeling can provide profound insights…
  • Blog
    August 24, 2023
    “Leveling the playing field would be tantamount to people having the same opportunities, equal opportunities, and equal access to finance. Yes, as much as the level playing field will be there in terms of the mode of using this money digitally, there will be some areas where there'll be less equity than others.”“One of the biggest challenges that globally we still have is that we have not really…
  • Blog
    August 30, 2023
    Physical money is slated to become a relic, with digital payment systems becoming the norm around the world. Whether that leads to greater economic efficiency, or a dystopian society—or both—remains to be seen.Despite all the hype, the proliferation of cryptocurrencies will not have a substantial disruptive effect on the major reserve currencies, especially the U.S. dollar. Unbacked…
  • Blog
    September 5, 2023
    For the average person, I am hard pressed to find one use case where these cryptocurrencies provide what is not already handled by existing payment methods. While crypto offers fast and cheap transaction rates, the benefits do not outweigh the risks. It’s hard for me to rationalize a world where the U.S. dollar is not central to trade finance. While I am not an expert on geopolitics, I can…
  • Blog
    September 29, 2023
    "We are completely reimagining how transactions flow around the world, making it possible for banks to seamlessly work together, so that every payment can flow faster and further. It is all powered by transaction manager, which provides a centralized view of transaction data so that all participants can access it simultaneously in real time." "We have developed a solution with the community to…
  • Blog
    October 11, 2023
    "The role of government is always to create pro innovation regulation, in my opinion, since innovation is the driver of jobs, GDP, and economic growth in every economy of the world. And any economy and any government that purposefully tries to slow down innovation, always regrets it later.""The financial industry has not provided consumer benefit in the last 20 years in a substantial way. And so…
  • Blog
    August 16, 2023
    The concept of credit dates back at least 5,000 years. Archaeologists unearthed clay tablets that show agreements between Mesopotamians and merchants from nearby Harappa to buy something in the moment and pay for it later—layaway in the cradle of civilization. Globally, there are no “cashless countries,” but several are getting close. Canada tops the list, with Sweden, the UK, France and the…
  • Blog
    October 17, 2023
    "This inflation is so bad, George Washington writes a letter in the middle of the war saying, 'A wagonful worth of money won’t buy a wagonful worth of provisions.' So, who is going to straighten all of this out? Well, we become a nation officially, April 30, 1789. George Washington takes the oath of office in New York City, and then he brings on Alexander Hamilton to be the secretary of the…
  • Blog
    October 25, 2023
    "Based on industry data, more than 30% of Australians have been using mobile wallets when they make payments instore. As compared to US, that’s 1.7% and for Germany at 6.1%, and I see that trend continue to grow." "Banks have a large and trusting customer base and extensive in-person and digital distribution network, which provides a strong starting point for gaining scale with payments…