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  • Blog
    November 6, 2023
    The move to ISO 20022 is a generational change in payments and probably the largest we will see in the payments space in our careers. At J.P. Morgan, we made a bold choice to be an early adopter.The payments industry has a socio-economic responsibility to continually innovate while safeguarding against systemic risk and financial crime. By 2035, I think we’ll edge closer to being a cashless…
  • Blog
    August 16, 2016
    In my last blog, I discussed how predictive analytics can increase your marketing bang for the buck by giving you clear insights into where to spend your marketing dollars. In this entry, I'll give you a real-world example of how a retail department store chain with multiple product categories decided who to target for a store mailer using analytics and customer segmentation. To determine their…
  • Blog
    November 7, 2023
    "I do think that we have a good opportunity to continue to reduce cash, but I don't know that we'll ever get rid of it because unless there's some type of legislative capability that Congress holds to get rid of cash, I just don't think that constituency will ever let it go." "As you start to see some of these new real-time and instant payment capabilities adopted, including some of the…
  • Blog
    November 28, 2023
    "I’m not aware of many boards are actually using it as a stored value or an investment technique. On the other side of it, the payments mechanism, at some point crypto has the ability to reduce payment cost, and if that happens, boards will need to address it but it’s a long time in coming.""Since there’s no regulation, it’s highly risky and from my perspective, I wouldn’t advise any of my boards…
  • Podcast Transcript
    November 14, 2023
    Quantum computing faces several scaling issues to achieve fault-tolerant systems that can solve practical business problems. We need high-fidelity interconnect to have modules or even full quantum computers work as one powerful system. And qubits could stand to run a little hotter as refrigeration gets out of hand as we add more of the sensitive little entities. Join host Konstantinos Karagiannis…
  • Blog
    November 29, 2023
    The big picture: A two-step indicator-based approach proposed by EU supervisory authorities will be used to assess ICT services providers to determine whether they should be designated as critical and subjected to oversight under the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA). Why it matters: For many technology firms designated as critical, meeting the requirements of DORA and financial services…
  • Blog
    November 29, 2023
    Segregation of duties (SoD) is a well-known term among auditors and anyone who has ever been audited. SoD is the understanding that no user should have access to two conflicting business functions that would allow a user to commit fraud or error (e.g., the ability to create a vendor record, then process a payment to that vendor). The idea can be intimidating and overwhelming to those who do not…
  • Infographic
    November 10, 2023
    Sustainable operations seek to create a harmonious synergy between business success, societal well-being and environmental health, contributing to a more equitable and resilient future for all. The triple bottom line: people, planet, profit. Research has shown that companies having sustainability embedded into their business strategy outperform companies lacking the same. Protiviti hosted a…
  • Podcast
    November 10, 2023
    Today’s Chief Legal Officers are constantly reevaluating their legal ecosystem as the demands on the legal department continue to grow. One area that is gaining special attention in legal department management is legal talent and the important role it plays in accelerating operational efficiencies and effectiveness.In this episode of Protiviti Legal Perspectives, Jamy J. Sullivan, JD, Executive…
  • Blog
    April 6, 2017