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  • Blog
    March 16, 2022
    4:05 – I think it’s a very exciting time to really redesign for what is the ultimate environment for high performance for the work that we do now, the folks that we have and for the things that they want. And will there, as a result of that, be migration and change? Sure.14:40 - The career equation says this: First of all, everyone wants to work in an area of strength. We all want to play to our…
  • Blog
    March 23, 2022
    The University of Pretoria recently launched its Centre for the Future of Work to research the emerging world of work as various megatrends sweep across the world.In an ever-changing information society, acquiring the habit of lifelong learning is not only desirable in the pursuit of knowledge, but is also necessary for career survival.We have a responsibility to ensure that the youth of this…
  • Blog
    March 9, 2022
    A staggering 88% of global business executives say AI will be key for a “radical transformation” of their company over the next decade.Surprisingly, despite the current environment, 84% of executives believe employee loyalty will increase over the next decade—a number that reaches 95% among North American leaders.Globally, 70% of business leaders expect their companies will be embracing a hybrid…
  • Blog
    March 28, 2022
    13:05 - Within the next 10 years, no one will need to build another office building anywhere in the United States. In fact, what you’re going to see is a general repurposing of office buildings. Already people are having the conversation about “How do we convert these things into multifamily residential?17:19 - There are going to be a lot of building trends that come out of this… I think you’re…
  • Blog
    March 15, 2022
    5:25 - The key word for the next decade is going to be adaptability, the “ability to change fast and to react fast.” And the culture of the future that I imagine is a culture founded on principles, on values, but also, at the same time, to be able to quickly move and quickly adapt and incorporate new ways of doing business and new ways of thinking.13:55 - Collaboration is in short supply in the…
  • Blog
    March 30, 2022
    We cannot hope to heal without collaborating with those people around us, and we can’t begin to prosper without a healthy culture.People will be able to choose where, when and for whom they work, enforcing a different collaboration culture between employees and managers.The 2030 workplace will have a technology-driven culture yet will be human-centered. Artificial intelligence will be the norm…
  • Blog
    March 16, 2022
    4:05 – I think it’s a very exciting time to really redesign for what is the ultimate environment for high performance for the work that we do now, the folks that we have and for the things that they want. And will there, as a result of that, be migration and change? Sure.14:40 - The career equation says this: First of all, everyone wants to work in an area of strength. We all want to play to our…
  • Blog
    April 14, 2022
    I see a very specific focus on cyber defenses going forward, and a decade from now it will be a much bigger part of every firm.I think the HR center is going to be much more highly skilled, much more a guide for mental wellness and stress assessment and management than it is today.To attract and retain younger workers today and in 2030, the C-suite and board must be more focused on sustainability…
  • Blog
    March 23, 2022
    The University of Pretoria recently launched its Centre for the Future of Work to research the emerging world of work as various megatrends sweep across the world.In an ever-changing information society, acquiring the habit of lifelong learning is not only desirable in the pursuit of knowledge, but is also necessary for career survival.We have a responsibility to ensure that the youth of this…
  • Blog
    April 15, 2022
    7:35 - I think there was a time when, as the digital business expanded massively and quickly here and abroad, [people thought] stores were a thing of the past. And I think, clearly, the pendulum has swung back in the other direction.10:48 - I think, looking 10 or 20 years out, we need to be able to allow our customers a very fluid relationship with us. In other words, they want to move in and out…