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  • Blog
    April 5, 2016
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    March 28, 2022
    13:05 - Within the next 10 years, no one will need to build another office building anywhere in the United States. In fact, what you’re going to see is a general repurposing of office buildings. Already people are having the conversation about “How do we convert these things into multifamily residential?17:19 - There are going to be a lot of building trends that come out of this… I think you’re…
  • Blog
    March 30, 2022
    We cannot hope to heal without collaborating with those people around us, and we can’t begin to prosper without a healthy culture.People will be able to choose where, when and for whom they work, enforcing a different collaboration culture between employees and managers.The 2030 workplace will have a technology-driven culture yet will be human-centered. Artificial intelligence will be the norm…
  • Blog
    April 14, 2022
    I see a very specific focus on cyber defenses going forward, and a decade from now it will be a much bigger part of every firm.I think the HR center is going to be much more highly skilled, much more a guide for mental wellness and stress assessment and management than it is today.To attract and retain younger workers today and in 2030, the C-suite and board must be more focused on sustainability…
  • Blog
    March 5, 2019
    Last November, as election supervisors across the United States scrambled to count and certify the paper ballots at the heart of the American electoral system, several dozen American soldiers and other citizens in remote locations around the world cast their absentee ballots in an unusual way. It was only a small number of ballots, hardly enough to swing an election. Nevertheless, those votes…
  • Blog
    March 11, 2019
    In our third podcast on The Responsible Technology Firm of the Future, we focus on corporate social responsibility. Brand is built on trust. How is corporate social responsibility affecting that trust? Are companies proactive enough in setting up responsible policies, with boards engaged and setting the tone from the top? Is the lack of diversity – particularly gender diversity – affecting the…
  • Blog
    March 13, 2019
    Internal audit tools and techniques are evolving rapidly, creating a lot of energy and excitement around transformation and innovation. In a recent Protiviti webinar on “next-generation” internal auditing, nearly 70 percent of participants indicated that they were undertaking such initiatives. The objectives of these transformations — efficiency, adaptability, increased engagement and deeper,…
  • Blog
    March 18, 2019
    Horror movie fans are well-versed in the ever-popular “zombie apocalypse.” But for those who work in the consumer products and services industry, the “retail apocalypse” is more frightening. The retail apocalypse refers to the widespread closure of brick-and-mortar retail stores in the United States and Canada. It represents a serious threat to the retail business model we have always known…
  • Blog
    March 22, 2019
    On March 14, the PCAOB released a Staff Inspection Brief highlighting its strategic focus on enhanced engagement with key external stakeholders, including audit committees. The brief is intended to help audit committees and registered public accounting firms understand and comply with PCAOB Auditing Standards and is useful for preparers and issuers to understand issues that impact their auditors…
  • Blog
    March 25, 2019
    For U.S. energy and utilities companies, 2019 is shaping up to be a positive year, supported by sound economic fundamentals. In particular, commodity prices are stable, energy demand is trending up, and real gross domestic product continues to grow, helping bolster and propel the industry. Organizations that have invested in efforts to drive greater operational efficiencies are starting to see…