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  • Newsletter

    December 13, 2023
    A look back at business failures often reveals blind spots that either concealed a dysfunctional culture or led to a lack of understanding, strategic error or missed opportunities. Is the board aware of the organisation’s blind spots, and is it addressing them?We’ve all heard the adage that what we don’t know can be more damaging to reputation, brand image, market standing and competitive…
  • Newsletter

    October 13, 2022
    A University of Oxford and Protiviti global survey reports that North American companies are less committed to ESG than their counterparts in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. The questions are why this disparity exists, and where does your organisation stand? The Oxford and Protiviti survey findings suggest that North American companies may be underrating the importance of external pressures…
  • Whitepaper

    October 6, 2021
    In this issue of the Credit Pulse, we look at the meaning of credit risk in a world flush with money and government backstops, and talk about how banks can jump into cryptocurrency lending and what they can do to monitor counterparty credit risk better. The economic recovery following the initial shock of the pandemic continued unabated in the second half of 2021. While growth has slowed from…
  • Newsletter

    May 8, 2024
    Whether an acquisition is a stand-alone, complementary entity or an integration, the due diligence process is undergoing a paradigm shift due to the higher cost of funding and the impact of failed transactions. Boards should expect a more aggressive focus on due diligence.How has the due diligence process changed in recent years? For sure, the complexity of certain topics, such as environmental…
  • Podcast Transcript

    April 13, 2022
    It should come as no surprise that, according to research from Protiviti, ESG metrics and measurement are among the top priorities for CFOs and finance teams to address, and a majority are substantially increasing the focus on and frequency of their ESG reporting. A key part of these efforts must be building sustainable operations and supply chains.But this only scratches the surface. Board…
  • Podcast

    April 13, 2022
    It should come as no surprise that, according to research from Protiviti, ESG metrics and measurement are among the top priorities for CFOs and finance teams to address, and a majority are substantially increasing the focus on and frequency of their ESG reporting. A key part of these efforts must be building sustainable operations and supply chains.But this only scratches the surface. Board…
  • Whitepaper

    October 11, 2017
    ​Ihre Herausforderung Technisch und organisatorisch ist Ihre IT auf dem neuesten Stand. Hackerangriffe über das Netzwerk wehren Sie erfolgreich ab. Allerdings erhalten Ihre Mitarbeiter immer öfter gefälschte E-Mails und dubiose Anrufe mit Zahlungsaufforderungen oder Mailanhänge sollen geöffnet und installiert werden.
  • Whitepaper

    September 21, 2020
    The actions and decisions of C-suite leaders are typically driven by strategies designed to guide businesses toward growth and success. These plans invariably contain many assumptions. One is the expectation that their organisations will be able to deliver goods and services to customers even under stressful conditions – an expectation of resilience that is sometimes ill-conceived and unsupported.
  • Flash Report

    March 16, 2022
    Last month, Protiviti issued two Flash Reports on the crisis in Ukraine. The first[1] addressed Vladimir Putin’s recognition of two Ukrainian regions as “independent people’s republics,” deployment of “peacekeeping forces,” and demands that Ukraine disarm and negotiate the sovereignty of the two separatist regions; the West’s initial wave of sanctions as a proportionate response to Putin’s…
  • Research Guide

    September 23, 2020
    Niemand kann vorhersagen, wann eine Krise wie Covid-19 erneut eintritt. Umso wichtiger ist es daher, dass Unternehmen sich auf unerwartete Ereignisse vorbereiten, um im Ernstfall schnell und flexibel reagieren zu können. Mit unserem globalen Business Continuity & Resilience Guide haben wir eine Plattform geschaffen, um die wichtigsten Fragen im Umgang und dem Aufbau eines Business Contiunity…