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  • Blogs

    March 14, 2024
    Republished from a three-part series of articles on The Protiviti View, our blog featuring commentary, insights and points of view from Protiviti leaders and SMEs on key challenges and risks companies are facing today, along with new and emerging developments in the market.
  • Infographic

    July 30, 2024
    An illustration of the evolution of the internal audit profession following the passage of the COSO Internal Control – Integrated Framework more than 30 years ago, and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act over two decades ago.
  • Whitepaper

    April 23, 2020
    In September 2001, Wired magazine reviewed science writer Steven Johnson's then-new book, Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities and Software. Johnson’s premise: Brilliant adaptations arise out of interconnections and cooperation among individual components of complex systems. He optimistically predicted that we would develop technology tools that have humans “collaborating on a…
  • Podcast

    June 12, 2024
    When Richard Feynman proposed the idea of a quantum simulator or computer in 1981, he was frustrated by the limitations of classical systems. He logically suggested that if we live in a quantum world, we need a quantum device to simulate all the interactions of particles that make up reality. An excellent example of such a transistor-choking calculation is the quantum many-body problem. Have…
  • Podcast

    August 19, 2022
    Board Perspectives bei Apple Podcasts. Nachhaltigkeit / ESG gewinnt weltweit an Relevanz und gilt heute als eine der Prioritäten für viele Unternehmen. Das ESG-Programm und dazugehörige Aktivitäten benötigen Strategie und Planung, denn Nachhaltigkeit kann nicht als ein Nebenthema angegangen werden. In dieser Folge von Board Perspectives sind Ellen Holder und Britta Sadoun von…
  • Podcast

    December 10, 2022
    A fast-growing ESG topic in boardrooms and C-suites is ESG traceability – achieving transparency into the complete supply chain of goods and services. Organisations – and more importantly, their customers and clients – are seeking more transparent, secure and responsible supply chains. This is about far more than one supplier or manufacturer meeting the organisation’s ESG standards. It’s about…
  • Podcast

    November 16, 2022
    Quantum computing is built on the ideas of giants. These so-called quantum foundations contain complicated concepts, including entanglement. In fact, the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to three scientists who expanded our understanding of entanglement. How does this key concept work? What are some other fascinating core ideas behind Quantum Information Science? Join host Konstantinos…
  • Podcast Transcript

    February 6, 2023
    Quantum computing is built on the ideas of giants. These so-called quantum foundations contain complicated concepts, including entanglement. In fact, the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to three scientists who expanded our understanding of entanglement. How does this key concept work? What are some other fascinating core ideas behind Quantum Information Science? Join host Konstantinos…
  • Video

    February 24, 2022
    Alleged criminals have identified the potential for laundering funds through e-commerce. After all, why would a money launderer hassle with the physical transport of ill-gotten gains or risk dealing with financial institutions with savvy detection capabilities when laundering money can be done with a few clicks of a computer in an environment that may not always be vigilant in detecting fraud?…
  • Whitepaper

    July 17, 2020
    How resilient is our organisation? How do we track our organisation’s change in resilience? Those are two of the most common questions posed by boards on the topic of resilience. The proper responses to these seemingly abstract questions require a firm understanding of the organisation’s ability to recover important services and functions, as well as the ability to benchmark resilience, either on…