Podcast | Navigating Blind Spots: Supply Chain Considerations for Boards Under New Leadership with Frank Kurre and Lance Mangum 

Our Blind Spots in the Boardroom series is focused on critical business issues that can significantly impact an organisation's strategy and operations, particularly those that the board and/or C-suite are not focused on at all or enough.

In this episode, Frank Kurre, Managing Director at Protiviti, and Lance Mangum, Staff Vice President of Government Affairs at FedEx Corporation, explore the critical supply chain considerations that corporate boards must address as the new administration takes office. They discuss the potential impacts on business operations and strategies to mitigate risks amidst political changes.

Mangum is a Corporate Officer, Vice President for Government Affairs and Chief Lobbyist at FedEx Corporation. Mangum oversees the department and strategy that advances the government, political, public policy, and diplomatic interests of FedEx. He also coordinates public policy issues and engagements between FedEx’s International, State and Local, Regulatory, Legal, and Public Affairs Departments.

With more than 40 years of experience in consulting, Kurre guides Protiviti’s global board, CEO and alumni programmes. He is also a senior advisor to Protiviti's Global Private Equity and Public Sector (Not for Profit) practices and leads several of the firm's strategic initiatives and accounts. During his career, Kurre has advised more than 200 boards – including many Fortune 1000 companies, and Russell 1000 and Russell 2000 public companies – on board governance, finance, financial reporting, internal audit, leadership development, risk management, and strategic planning.

Thoughts shared during this episode are their own personal viewpoints to share experience, expertise and insights with us. Their discussion is intended for general information only and is not intended as legal analysis or advice. Companies should seek legal counsel on specific questions as they relate to their unique circumstances.

For further information on this and other relevant topics for the boardroom, visit our Board and C-Suite Leadership insights collection on Protiviti’s website.

For information about Frank and to contact him, visit www.protiviti.com/gl-en/frank-kurre.

For more information about Lance and to contact him, visit https://www.linkedin.com/in/lancemangum/. 

Board Perspectives on Apple Podcasts

Board Perspectives, from global consulting firm Protiviti, explores numerous challenges and areas of interest for boards of directors around the world. From environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters to fulfilling the board’s vital risk oversight mandate, Board Perspectives provides practical insights and guidance for new and experienced board members alike. Episodes feature informative discussions with leaders and experts from Protiviti and other highly regarded organisations.
