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  • Blog
    June 30, 2016
    The ability to attract and retain a loyal employee base and understand root causes for employee disengagement and disloyalty are key strategic objectives for every organization - big or small. If you want to improve employee productivity and/or decrease the cost associated with attracting and retaining employees, you need to move along the analytics maturity curve and start leveraging People…
  • Blog
    February 1, 2023
    4:54 - Kids massively value their digital identity there. $1 billion plus is spent per year on this for kids buying kind of fashion items and this sort of thing. Over half of all U.S. kids play Roblox every week.15:24 - I think if you really want to get ahead, spending some time if you can to understand the technology and how it works at a basic level is really important.20:47 - I do think the…
  • Blog
    February 10, 2023
    1:26 - One of the things that can go wrong is not that the metaverse doesn’t happen, but the various for-profit initiatives and endeavors mean that where it is established, it’s limited and therefore… it’s perhaps possible that there’s very little commonality for the metaverse.3:20 - Trying to figure out how we progress, how we regulate, how we figure out what the requirements should and shouldn’…
  • Blog
    February 10, 2023
    We’re on a precipice, and I feel like there’s just so much potential change ahead… We view the metaverse as a golden opportunity for women to play a much bigger role in emerging tech.I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility that people will live in the metaverse. Or at least, spend the majority of their time in it, especially if they are earning money in the metaverse.I hope the…
  • Blog
    February 22, 2023
    3:17 - If the world is speeding up and your technology isn't, you're going to be left behind. So, the first thing you got to do as a board is understand what you mean by metaverse. So, get somebody, your CIO, your CDO, Chief Digital Officer, an outside person, read and learn what it means. 9:07 - The other thing I'll say is Web 3. Web 3 is about better communication. That's lower latency, higher…
  • Blog
    February 24, 2023
    Nike is allowing users to design and create products they’re able to take with them. For Nike, this is increasing exposure of its brand to users who are going to be more digitally native, the ones who are going to be spending more time—and presumably, money—in immersive worlds. For a new space, we certainly are seeing a mass of early adopters who are ready and eager to engage in the metaverse,…
  • Blog
    March 15, 2023
    Imagine teaching someone to repair an airplane engine on Zoom? It would be borderline impossible. However, the metaverse allows replicas, or digital twins, to be built. In fact, scale doesn’t really exist, so why not take a class of mechanical engineers inside a giant jet engine?One of the jobs of the future I envision is Head of the Immersive Workplace, a person or team that will make sure that…
  • Blog
    March 23, 2023
    5:04 - My advice to any company is, if you’ve already done something public, great for you. Take a step back to really reassess what your strategy is and if you still haven’t done something and you don’t feel compelled to do something public, there are ways to experiment in private as well.12:10 - I also think there is this moment of a bit of a talent war that’s slowly happening where there’s not…
  • Blog
    March 27, 2023
    10:56 - Second big use case is education, and so I’m doing a lot of work with school principals at the moment, who are so important in this story, Joe, because it’s the young ones who are the predominant users of [the metaverse]. The parents have got no idea that it even exists.13:10 - We’ve already seen some of the hugely controversial problems that the tech giants have around social media and…
  • Blog
    April 3, 2023
    6:06 - If you think about it, it has been estimated that it takes approximately 17 years for medical research to become fully integrated into clinical practice. Generative AI has the ability to shorten that to months, if not sooner, and that’s even at a population level.8:37 - In June 2020, neurosurgeons at Johns Hopkins performed the very first augmented reality surgeries, and in both of these…