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  • Blog
    February 15, 2018
    All audit committees have an agenda that they follow every year. And while every organization faces its own unique challenges, there are some agenda priorities we believe that all audit committees and executive leadership should consider. Protiviti’s take on what those items should be for 2018 is outlined in the latest issue of The Bulletin, and we will be discussing them throughout the year. I…
  • Blog
    February 16, 2018
    Technology companies are in-demand acquisition targets, and not only within the technology sector. Between 2013 and 2016, private technology investments by non-tech Fortune 500 corporations grew 149 percent and were on pace to exceed investments by Fortune 500 technology firms for the first time in 2017, according to a recent report from CB Insights. Faced with the choice of building; partnering…
  • Blog
    February 19, 2018
    Financial reporting issues have always been at the heart of the audit committee agenda, and always will be, even as other risks arise to claim their share of attention. With that in mind, half of Protiviti’s recommended 2018 audit committee agenda focuses on financial reporting risks. Protiviti has identified eight audit committee agenda priorities for 2018, outlined in the latest issue of The…
  • Blog
    February 21, 2018
    With an effective date less than four months away, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), known officially as “REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016,” is becoming a pressing concern for companies inside and outside the European Union (EU). Broadly, the regulation specifies that personal data protection of natural persons residing in the EU…
  • Blog
    February 23, 2018
    In a previous post, we reviewed two GDPR anonymization options – minimization and masking. In this installment we discuss two additional options. Aggregation Another way to comply with GDPR is to group data in such a way that individual records no longer exist and cannot be distinguished from other records in the same grouping. This may be accomplished through a single aggregation of the data…
  • Blog
    February 27, 2018
    On Wednesday, February 21, the U.S Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) published interpretive guidance for public companies disclosing cybersecurity risks and incidents. The guidance provides insight into the regulator’s current thinking on disclosure obligations. Protiviti has prepared a Flash Report, summarizing the guidance and its likely impacts. Cybersecurity is among the most critical…
  • Blog
    February 28, 2018
    The 2017 holiday shopping season was a wake-up call for any merchant who still thinks mobile commerce has yet to take off. Mobile transactions accounted for about one-third of online revenue during the holiday season — or more than US$35 billion — according to research from Adobe Insights. Mobile sales on Cyber Monday hit $2 billion for the first time. These numbers are strong evidence that…
  • Blog
    February 28, 2018
    In our February Compliance Insights podcast, Jill Smiley, a Director, and Steven Stachowicz, a Managing Director with our Risk and Compliance practice, discuss FINRA's new rule on protecting senior investors and the CFPB's recent Request for Information notices  – two of the topics covered in this month's Compliance Insights newsletter. Download the full February issue at this link. […
  • Blog
    March 1, 2018
    Cloud computing is now in the mainstream, and nothing proves that better than its gains in the conservative world of financial services. There are several players in the cloud provider space, but Amazon Web Services (AWS) is by far the biggest, with a market that exceeds those of Microsoft and Google combined. In fact, AWS is now Amazon’s most lucrative business, and they have signaled they want…
  • Blog
    March 6, 2018
    The U.S. Supreme Court, on February 21, 2018, ruled unanimously that protections afforded to whistleblowers under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank) apply only to people who report potential wrongdoing directly to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). This interpretation narrows a previous rulemaking from the SEC, which had extended…