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  • Blog
    January 12, 2021
    Even for high-growth technology companies that performed fairly well during the last 12 months, 2021 capital-spending decisions are being made with significant restraint and apprehension. The ongoing rollout of promising COVID-19 vaccines notwithstanding, the pandemic’s far-reaching effects on consumer behavior, the labor market, wages, office space, technology and supply chains, to name a few,…
  • Blog
    January 13, 2021
    On January 1, 2021, the U.S. Senate voted to override President Donald Trump’s veto of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, a legislative package that includes the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020. The passage of the AML Act closes one of the biggest gaps in the U.S. anti-money laundering regime and moves the United States toward compliance with international AML and…
  • Blog
    February 3, 2021
    Board members and C-suite executives around the globe are most concerned in 2021 with risks associated with COVID-19-related government policies and regulations, economic conditions that may restrict growth, and market conditions that may continue to impact customer demand, according to a new survey from Protiviti and NC State University. Amid these near-term headwinds, when asked about top…
  • Blog
    February 4, 2021
    Which of the following assets will power your business going forward? Cash and equivalents Accounts receivable Investments Plant, property and equipment Goodwill Other intangible assets Arguably, among the six assets above, the most leverageable assets are the intangible assets, which, by definition, have not been quantified. When one company purchases another for a value greater…
  • Blog
    February 11, 2021
    As vaccine distribution begins, one result is the rapidly evolving regulatory requirements surrounding COVID-19 vaccine acquisition, storage, administration and reporting. These quick-turn process shifts and needs can overwhelm staff and place them under intense pressure. Organizations may also be exposed to risks of noncompliance and expensive penalties if the following processes are not in…
  • Blog
    February 12, 2021
    On February 5, 2021, the water treatment system for the city of Oldsmar, Florida was breached to such a degree that the sodium hydroxide level was briefly increased from the normal range of 100 parts per million (ppm) to 11,100 ppm — a level more suitable for household cleaners than for human consumption. While the FBI investigates the source and method of the attack, during a press…
  • Blog
    February 16, 2021
    Thus far, the federal government has spent over $3 trillion to address the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, with additional monies expected to be provided by Congress in the next month or two. The sheer number of government assistance programs and volume of funding combined with the need to distribute quickly have presented significant challenges and increased the risk of fraud and misuse of the funds…
  • Blog
    February 18, 2021
    The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) final rule Order 2222, issued in September 2020, opens the country’s wholesale energy markets to distributed energy resources (DERs) like rooftop solar, behind-the-meter batteries and electric vehicles. This new order lifts many of the restrictions and barriers to entry to the wholesale market for DERs, including allowing them to aggregate. Before…
  • Blog
    February 24, 2021
    According to a recent survey of executives, over 70% of companies plan on being involved in a merger or acquisition (M&A) in 2021. This is a welcome change from 2020, when deal value globally dropped 5% from last year, to $3.6 trillion – the lowest since 2017. As activity begins to quicken, organizations should view a potential M&A not as a long shot but as a likely path toward growth,…
  • Blog
    February 25, 2021
    On January 13, 2021, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) published a Statement Regarding the Provision of Financial Products and Services to Consumers with Limited English Proficiency (LEP). The statement is intended to provide principled guidelines to assist financial institutions when offering or expanding products and services to LEP consumers. The statement expands on observations…