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  • Blog
    August 28, 2018
    Emerging risks, evolving stakeholder expectations and increased scrutiny from governmental agencies are raising the complexity of the environment in which technology companies operate. In a four-part series, Protiviti examines the changing risk landscape and presents 10 ideas for tech executives and directors to help them make the transition to the more balanced focus of the responsible tech firm…
  • Blog
    August 29, 2018
    On August 17, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced updated disclosure requirements intended to reduce compliance burdens, align with certain changes in Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), and eliminate existing redundancies in the disclosure of information to investors. The amendments are part of an initiative by the SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance to review…
  • Blog
    August 30, 2018
    The Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act (EGRRCPA) was signed into law on May 24, 2018, removing compliance barriers for many banks in the $10 billion to $250 billion asset range. The law has been touted as a way to buoy capital for economic growth by providing regulatory relief to smaller and less complex banks that don’t meet the government’s definition of “too big to…
  • Blog
    September 4, 2018
    As executives and compliance leaders look for ways to reduce overall hours required for SOX compliance and glean strategic value from compliance activities, automating controls and testing and broader use of robotic process automation (RPA) show promise that should be evaluated. According to Protiviti’s 2018 SOX Benchmarking survey, nearly one in three organizations reported using technology…
  • Blog
    September 7, 2018
    In our continuing GDPR series, Tom Lemon, Managing Director with Protiviti's Technology Consulting group in the UK, addresses several important questions, including the first steps to establish a defensible position and some of the data cross-border transfer mechanisms available to companies outside of the European Union. Listen to the podcast at this link. A full transcript of the conversation…
  • Blog
    September 10, 2018
    Business control functions — operational teams with a primary focus on risks, controls and compliance — are growing rapidly in the financial services industry, with the number of full-time-equivalent employees more than doubling at some large financial institutions every year since 2014. It’s part of a trend toward a flatter, more agile risk management philosophy. Applying the taxonomy of the…
  • Blog
    September 14, 2018
    Third-party risk has been on the forefront of the minds of risk officers, compliance officers, information security officers, heads of procurement, and even CFOs of banks and other financial institutions for well over a decade. In the extended podcast below, Chris Monk, a Managing Director with Protiviti's Business Performance Improvement group and a leader of our Third-Party Risk Management…
  • Blog
    September 17, 2018
    Whether organizations involved in merger and acquisition (M&A) activities have been fortunate to be among the 20 percent whose deal objectives for synergies were successfully met, or among the 80 percent that failed in that regard, one fact rings true for the CFO and his or her team: “There will be significant post-merger clean-up work to get the books and records stabilized.” The level of…
  • Blog
    September 19, 2018
    Robotic process automation (RPA) has been gaining traction as an efficient way to automate labor-intensive and repetitive tasks across a variety of business functions, including finance, accounting, technology, legal, HR, and, increasingly, audit and compliance. As the popularity of this relatively simple and affordable technology increases, internal audit departments are starting to realize…
  • Blog
    September 21, 2018
    A new Finance Trends survey by Protiviti, released yesterday, confirms what many CFOs already know — that data means everything in finance. The specific data priorities this year, however, are revealing — the security and privacy of financial data has climbed to priority number one, a concern no doubt driven by increased use of finance cloud applications. It is followed in importance by financial…