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  • Blog
    July 27, 2018
    Protiviti has issued a series of podcasts on various specific aspects of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the comprehensive EU data privacy law that became effective May 25, 2018. Below, we offer a transcript of our conversation with Cal Slemp, a Managing Director with Protiviti's Security and Privacy practice. Cal gives an informative and fascinating overview of the…
  • Blog
    July 31, 2018
    Technology companies know all about the need to stay nimble and scale fast to respond to change. They also know well the persistent challenge of trying to assemble enough skilled and diverse talent to help them fuel innovation and growth. To achieve both objectives, many tech firms were among the first to embrace the concept of the “shamrock organization” — a decision made by both necessity and…
  • Blog
    August 1, 2018
    The ready availability of large volumes of internal, external and social media data, along with advances in analytics and the advent of machine learning (ML), appear to have created the perfect opportunity for improving consumer lending decisions. But how big of a role will – or should – machine learning play in lending decisions? Can it make the processes that financial institutions use to…
  • Blog
    August 3, 2018
    In the coming months, as U.S. colleges and universities prepare to welcome students to a new academic year, a priority topping their to-do lists should be identifying and understanding their risk exposure to the European Union’s (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). They also should be making appropriate changes to meet the technological, administrative and legal requirements of this…
  • Blog
    August 7, 2018
    Growth is the goal for emerging technology companies. When it happens fast, however, it can be challenging for these businesses to manage that change and to scale, especially in back-office areas like accounting, finance and IT. Setting up or optimizing core functions with labor-intensive processes is about the last thing business leadership wants to think about as they’re focusing on generating…
  • Blog
    December 7, 2018
    Regulatory compliance technology (regtech) for the financial services industry has advanced significantly over the past year, moving beyond proof of concept to a growing number of use cases. The challenge now becomes ensuring that the banks and their regulators are ready and able to capitalize on the promise of these tools, which include artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain,…
  • Blog
    December 10, 2018
    The festive season is a time for fun and good cheer. Your business is celebrating the end of the calendar year and staff are counting down the days before their extended holidays begin. But be warned – the holidays are also a peak season for cybercriminals and fraudsters looking to exploit your vulnerabilities at a time of skeleton staffing and “go slow” activity. Protiviti has found that a…
  • Blog
    December 11, 2018
    Over the past few years, the transformational promise of artificial intelligence (AI) has begun to materialize in the business and consumer worlds. AI enables computers and machines to simulate intelligent human behavior. We’re seeing shippers turn to self-driving vehicles for 24/7 delivery, consumers adopt household voice assistants to make life easier, and surgeons use smart robotics to enhance…
  • Blog
    December 12, 2018
    Whether through rapid growth, acquisition or some other business change, an organization’s back finance office operations can grow chaotic over time, and sometimes overnight. That chaos often culminates in emergencies, like a payments backlog, bad data or a process that no longer makes sense. Some of our most satisfying engagements with clients have started as emergencies that were resolved when…
  • Blog
    December 13, 2018
    In the podcast below, Steven Stachowicz and Kat Sanchez of our Risk and Compliance practice discuss some of the recent topics in Protiviti's Compliance Insights newsletter series. For access to our latest issue, visit [audio mp3=""][/audio] Compliance Insights In-Depth…