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  • Blog
    February 27, 2019
    Historically, the technology industry has been all about speed, innovation and growth. The winning firms have been those that could rapidly invent and develop new products and services and bring them to market faster than their competitors. But the formula for success in technology is changing. Now, great tech firms must not only be disruptive and first to market, they must be socially…
  • Blog
    March 1, 2019
    It’s exhilarating when enterprises undergo dramatic growth. Whatever the reason – a favorable merger, a startup success, a product line that really takes off – team morale skyrockets, and everyone shares excitement over the organization’s victories. But even as they rejoice, finance and accounting teams may already realize what’s coming: a sharp acceleration in workload. The business’s sudden…
  • Blog
    April 23, 2020
    On April 21, the U.S. Senate approved legislation authorizing additional COVID-19-related funding, including $310 billion in supplemental funding for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). The U.S. House approved the legislation on April 23, and President Trump is expected to sign it tomorrow. The PPP funding program went live on April 3 and the initial tranche of $349 billion in available…
  • Blog
    April 24, 2020
    When I was a teenager, my grandmother sent me a check for $50. It was a complete — but welcome — surprise. My grandmother told me she wanted to help me out while I was looking for a part-time job. What I learned, however, was that there were indeed some strings attached to her gift. I spent many hours at her home over the following months doing numerous chores and tasks. I realized the gift was…
  • Blog
    April 24, 2020
    When the coronavirus pandemic eventually subsides and the economy begins to recover, many businesses can expect significant challenges rebuilding relationships with customers whose mindsets, priorities, buying habits and spending powers have been significantly altered during this period of social isolation. Nothing is going back to the way it was. Even when many of the current social…
  • Blog
    April 27, 2020
    April is the traditional start of Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) risk assessment season for calendar-year filers. With the 10-K and proxy statement filed and the Q1 close coming to completion, organizations typically kick off the next fiscal year’s compliance efforts with the annual risk assessment. As we begin to navigate this season in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, companies are facing an…
  • Blog
    April 28, 2020
    As leaders across all industries struggle with COVID-19 responses and business continuity planning, one simple lesson is becoming apparent – good data is key! One of the basic tenets in crisis management is frequent communication with clients, employees, vendors and other stakeholders but many organizations have struggled with this communication due to issues with the quality of their master data…
  • Blog
    April 29, 2020
    The COVID-19 crisis has taken all industries by surprise. For utility organizations that offer essential services such as power production, power and gas transmission and distribution, and other public services, having strong crisis management and business continuity practices will play a critical role in how companies are able to manage the unfolding crisis successfully. Based on our…
  • Blog
    April 30, 2020
    For many internal auditors, artificial intelligence (AI) may seem like a daunting topic to tackle — but that shouldn’t stop them from considering how they can apply it to their work. Tools and techniques exist that can provide auditors with powerful, straightforward techniques to enhance their work. With an increased focus and urgency around the use of data to support internal audit activities,…
  • Blog
    April 30, 2020
    As the world faces the medical concerns associated with COVID-19 and moves home to work, healthcare workers not on the front line — those in administration and information technology (IT) — feel a different pressure. While this does not have the same gravity as saving lives, it is the challenge of keeping the business running and the strain of a remote workforce. Administrative and IT healthcare…