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  • Survey
    December 20, 2023
    The economy, talent and cyber threats drive concerns for manufacturing and distribution leaders beyond supply chainIn an ever-evolving and rapidly changing business landscape for manufacturing and distribution organisations, executives and boards are challenged to navigate myriad risks, particularly as their businesses continue to play catch-up on numerous fronts in areas such as innovation and…
  • Blog
    November 3, 2015
    One great use of SAP Predictive Analytics Expert Analytics R Custom Components is to create an easily-run process for a particular calculation, chart, or visualization that you want to perform often. One example of this is correlation analysis, which is a step that many data scientists perform as a pre-processing and inspection step when building a predictive model. Expert Analytics does have…
  • Blog
    October 2, 2021
    6:30 – The AV club: “A full integration of autonomous vehicles is probably more than a decade away, but when it comes it will have a drastic effect on how cities function. Nothing is going to change the design and use of a city more than the autonomous vehicle. I just think the integration is going to be messy."13:20 – From a branding perspective: “An NBA team gave us sort of a superficial level…
  • Blog
    October 2, 2021
    2:06 – A focus on sustainability: “As a company, we started a strong transition towards sustainability around a decade ago. We have a strong commitment on de-carbonization with a target of reducing our emission by 80% by 2030 and to be totally de-carbonized by 2050.”4:21 – A strong focus on cities: “because cities are where basically 80% of the GDP is created and 70% of emission and energy are…
  • Blog
    October 22, 2021
    Personal transport, not mass transit, is the way of the future.There will be fewer roads because they would be completely optimized to be efficient. There would be little to no traffic delays, and many existing roads could be re-imagined as green spaces.Amazon’s delivery routes, particularly in big cities, are completely optimized by computers. What they do with packages, we could do with people.
  • Blog
    October 25, 2021
    Indonesia’s capital needs to relocate for a variety of reasons, but the three biggest are: superdensity, wealth distribution and environmental imbalance. Considering the development of the region as part of the state capital, population in the new capital city is expected to surge through 2045.The road from a smart city to a smart nation begins with the establishment of the capital city as a…
  • Blog
    November 2, 2021
    The rapid growth of cities, which currently consume 78% of the planet’s primary energy, electricity use is going to soar in the coming years.Nonprofit Rewiring America has predicted the creation of 25 million new jobs of all types in the United States over the next 15 years, with five million sustained jobs by mid-century.As IoT grows exponentially, data platforms will become more important in…
  • Blog
    November 4, 2021
    64% of C-suite and board members agree that the role of cities for business will increase during the next 10 years61% of global business leaders emphasize the growing benefits of city size, significance, and prestige.In North America and Asia-Pacific, the city as a technology hub is viewed as the dominant driver that would attract a business to the city. In Europe, it’s the talent pool.
  • Blog
    November 24, 2021
    All our future construction will be net-zero buildings, which is pretty rare anywhere but especially in this part of the world.We want Masdar City to be that living lab where you can test technology, develop it and then implement it.I’m glad we slowed down from our original development plans, because what we end up with here is going to be better than what we had originally envisioned.
  • Blog
    February 14, 2022
    One classical machine learning approach optimized a portfolio in 33 hours; hybrid quantum annealing produced similar results in three minutes.We will soon reach a tipping point when quantum revolutionizes information security, fraud detection, logistics and other optimization- and simulation-friendly activities.Most organizations will struggle to find and hire the quantum talent they need.