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  • Podcast
    December 13, 2023
    The 2023 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded for the discovery and synthesis of quantum dots. Physics is also interested in these little marvels, and they may have a big impact in quantum computing. We need many more qubits of high-quality to tackle complex business problems and use cases. How will silicon-based quantum processing units (QPUs) boost scalability for increased performance into the…
  • Blog
    December 8, 2015
    Released just before Thanksgiving 2015, SAP's latest enhancements to the Predictive Analytics suite introduce some exciting new features and algorithms. Automated Analytics The first major enhancement for the Automated Analtyics side in quite some time really enables Automated users with HANA to take full advantage of the power of HANA for the first time. I don't have any screeenshots to share…
  • Survey
    December 12, 2023
    TMT executives were asked to identify the biggest threats they anticipate over the next 12 months and a decade ahead. Many of the risks cited correlate in many ways and can be categorised under two broad themes: foundational risks, which are essentially challenges that leaders must address to keep their business thriving, and risks that are essential for continued growth and expansion.
  • Blog
    December 7, 2023
    The churn in this year’s Top Risks Survey results points to multiple sources of uncertainty, painting a cloudy, interconnected picture of the business landscape. Economic pressures and persistent inflation have unseated the war for talent as the top near-term risk facing business leaders around the world, according to the latest Executive Perspectives on Top Risks Survey from Protiviti and NC…
  • Blog
    December 12, 2023
    This is the first post in a two-part series exploring the benefits of technology resilience. It defines technology resilience and describes its value to organizations. A subsequent post will describe aspects of technology resilience and outline steps to implement a technology resilience program. Technology resilience remains a new idea for some organizations. Even those who are familiar with its…
  • Blog
    December 14, 2023
    In the news: On December 8, after two and a half years of negotiation, the Council of the EU and the EU Parliament finally reached a provisional agreement on the EU AI Act. The agreement creates legislation that introduces harmonized rules and definitions for those using AI systems and putting those systems into service and bans certain types of AI practices. Why it matters: The AI Act is the…
  • Blog
    December 14, 2023
    In the news: On December 8, 2023, after two and a half years of negotiation, the Council of the EU and the EU Parliament finally reached a provisional agreement on the EU AI Act. The agreement creates legislation that introduces harmonized rules and definitions for those using AI systems and putting those systems into service and bans certain types of AI practices. Why it matters: The AI Act is…
  • Flash Report
    December 13, 2023
    Im Dezember erzielten der EU-Rat sowie -Parlament nun eine vorläufige Einigung über das EU-KI-Gesetz, den die Europäische Kommission bereits 2021 vorschlug. Dort werden Regeln, Definitionen sowie Verbote für bestimmte Anwendungen vorgeschrieben.
  • Blog
    December 13, 2023
    The ways in which individuals and teams in organizations work are generally recognized as critical to how modern enterprises can sustainably deliver technology. This is because this allows organizations to enable and delight their customers (both internal and external), while maintaining profitability and agility. But it remains challenging for IT organizations to achieve the 'value flywheel'…
  • Blog
    December 6, 2023
    The big picture: During an organization’s SAP S/4HANA journey, the lack of attention paid to data can be an all-too-common pitfall. Why it matters: If data preparation and data conversion are addressed and well planned prior to the start of the project, then one of the key risk areas for most projects will be largely mitigated before resource bandwidth is stretched thin.  …