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  • Blog
    May 5, 2020
    We’re facing an unprecedented challenge – but we aren’t facing it alone. We believe there is tremendous value to be gained in sharing and learning from diverse perspectives. These Protiviti and SAP webinars provide you with an opportunity to prioritize your conversations, gain confidence in your own plans and increase your organization’s resilience. Join us in May, for three SAP topics that are…
  • Whitepaper
    May 30, 2023
    Servicers in lending organisations are challenged with navigating economic headwinds that are pushing delinquency- and default-rate projections higher. This task has been complicated by increased global regulatory focus and dynamic customer expectations, which are further providing impetus for servicers to reassess existing strategies and processes from a compliance perspective while continuing…
  • Blog
    July 6, 2020
    Are Investments in SAP AI/ML Paying Off? Enterprise transformation has become dynamic. Adjusting to a post-COVID-19 world provides us with an opportunity to accelerate innovative ways to usher in a new normal and challenges us to strive for moving to an “all things digital” environment.  At the same time streamlining, automating and…
  • Blog
    May 18, 2023
    The big picture: Dramatic reductions in force are happening across industries as economic uncertainty leads companies to reevaluate labor expenditures. Why it matters: RIFs are costly to carry out and they damage morale. Handling RIFs with compassion is the right thing to do. RIF alternatives – furloughs, job sharing and compensation changes – can save money, enable swifter recoveries and…
  • Blog
    May 19, 2023
    The big picture: COVID-19 sparked an acceleration of businesses migrating to the cloud.The mothballing of on-premises infrastructure in favor of the cloud continues to gain momentum and shows no signs of slowing.By the numbers: Worldwide end-user spending on public cloud services was $491 billion in 2022, according to Gartner. Gartner forecasts that spending will grow to nearly $600 billion in…
  • Podcast Transcript
    May 24, 2023
    Top-performing internal audit groups share similar traits: They focus more on streamlined, tailored, impactful communications and reporting. They evolve and adapt routinely, and they push themselves to find and build talent and resources from both within and outside their organisations. But guess what? Fewer than six in 10 internal audit functions have access to the talent they need across any of…
  • Blog
    May 31, 2023
    The big picture: COVID-19 sparked an acceleration of businesses migrating to the cloud.The mothballing of on-premises infrastructure in favor of the cloud continues to gain momentum and shows no signs of slowing.By the numbers: Worldwide end-user spending on public cloud services was $491 billion in 2022, according to Gartner. Gartner forecasts that spending will grow to…
  • Blog
    May 31, 2023
    An economic waiting game: While it feels like we’ve spent the past 18 months waiting for a recession to kick in, it remains vital for CFOs to prepare for the next downturn. Why it matters: The elongated lead-up to the next recession doesn’t mean that finance groups can afford to press the pause button. It’s never too early to prepare for the next downturn or the one that follows it. The keys:…
  • Podcast
    May 31, 2023
    We’ve covered several types of quantum computing hardware on this show, some available, some still forthcoming. Neutral atom is a newer addition to the ranks of systems accessible on the cloud. How does it work? What kinds of real-world business use cases is it excelling at already? Join Host Konstantinos Karagiannis for a chat with Alex Keesling from QuEra about this new approach to high qubit…