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  • Podcast Transcript
    July 14, 2023
    Quantum Information Science just might have commercial impact before quantum computing achieves error correction. All sorts of vertical industries will be able to take advantage of quantum clocks and sensors, enabling better navigation and even “seeing” through miles of solid Earth. Join Host Konstantinos Karagiannis for a chat about these amazing devices and what we can expect from cold atom…
  • Insight
    July 14, 2023
    The European Banking Authority (EBA) recently released a report on its 2022 review of the money laundering/terrorist financing (ML/TF) risks of European payment institutions (PIs).  There are nearly 900 authorised PIs in the EU which are subject to Directive (EU) 2015/849 (‘AMLD’) for anti-money laundering and terrorist financing (AML/CFT) purposes. While many of the EBA’s findings are…
  • Podcast
    September 15, 2023
    Join podcast host Chad Volkert, Protiviti Managing Director and Global Leader of Legal Consulting, and special guest Kim Wolfe, Head of Legal Business Management for Wells Fargo, discuss the impact of legal operations on the business and how legal executives are increasingly gaining a seat at the table within their organization.
  • Blog
    December 9, 2019
    There are many key steps in completing a successful SAP S/4HANA® journey, including what many call Phase 4: Prepare and Modernize the environment in preparation for the S/4HANA implementation. There are several aspects that need to be considered, including the SAP ECC system or legacy systems, other third-party applications, governance processes and the various strategies to be put in place to…
  • Blog
    July 5, 2023
    Thank you for joining this three-part series on smart contract development and security. In part one, I reviewed smart contract basics and in part two, I discussed smart contract design and standards. Closing the book on the smart contract journey, the third and final post in this series discusses security, testing and deployment practices, and how web3 properties take existing devops paradigm…
  • Blog
    July 11, 2023
    At a Glance The big picture: For many years, organizations adopting cloud technologies have faced challenges regarding material systems re-architecture and rationalization for long-term impact on, and benefits to, the organization from cloud services. Why it matters: Doing cloud migration without transformation of underlying application and data workloads likely does not provide appropriate…
  • Podcast
    July 14, 2023
    In the wake of a world-changing pandemic and amid current uncertainties in the global economy, organisations have made, and are making, some significant adjustments in their operations. For most, the procurement function is at or near the top of the list. These changes are critical for procurement leaders to navigate and manage as global supply challenges become more complex and organisations…
  • Blog
    July 10, 2023
    By the numbers: Technical debt consumes nearly one-third of technology budgets and more than one-fifth of technology professionals’ time; 70% of CIOs and technology leaders view technical debt as a major drag on their organization’s ability to innovate. Why it matters: Technical debt creates critical concerns for the organization, not the least of which is the cost to manage it. Technical debt…
  • Newsletter
    July 13, 2023
    Das Metaverse hat das Potenzial, eine disruptive, expansive und transformative Kraft zu sein, die sogar eine eigene Wirtschaft hervorbringen kann. Jeder Vorstand sollte dieses Potenzial für das eigene Unternehmen bewerten.