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  • Blog
    September 19, 2019
    Protiviti is a sponsor and speaker at The IIA’s Financial Services Exchange conference in Washington, DC this week. In today's podcast from the conference, Erika Ray from Protiviti discusses the concept of the "borrowed idea," which was the subject of a panel discussion Erika hosted along with three other panelists: Amazon’s Arin Slavis, Hilton Hotel Worldwides’ Denis McCarthy and Ohio…
  • Blog
    September 20, 2019
    The world’s enthusiasm for tech companies is at a turning point, and we shouldn’t be surprised. For an industry that has grown dramatically by capturing personal data and being an integral part of our lives, it was only a matter of time until tech experienced some blowback. Firms that were once the darlings of the digital age now find themselves playing defense regarding the protection of…
  • Blog
    September 25, 2019
    The innovation economy is transforming businesses. Innovation is changing the products, services and solutions businesses deliver as well as the way they deliver those services. This innovation transformation also drives changes in the risk to these organizations, prompting them to seek ways to manage new risks along with existing risks, get ahead of the risk curve, add value and improve…
  • Blog
    September 30, 2019
    The Protiviti View is examining some of the ways internal audit (IA) departments around the world are reinventing themselves into next-gen audit functions, drawing on the experience of 16 innovators profiled in Internal Auditing Around the World, Volume 15. This post looks at ways IA teams are using advanced data analytics to provide more efficient, effective and even predictive assurance…
  • Blog
    October 2, 2019
    Cloud technology is becoming the infrastructure of the next generation of commerce. Enterprise spending on cloud-based infrastructure is expected to surpass in-house technology investments by 2022, by some estimates. For many organizations, a cloud strategy is a well-considered move that brings the promise of improved operational efficiency and lower costs — but it also poses new risks not…
  • Blog
    October 3, 2019
    Protiviti was once again a sponsor of the 2019 FAIR Conference, hosted by the FAIR Institute, which took place on September 24-25 in National Harbor, MD. Protiviti cyber risk quantification experts Andrew Retrum and Vince Dasta were at the conference to meet with other FAIR experts and answer questions from attendees. For those who missed them, we present below a brief interview with Vince Dasta…
  • Blog
    October 7, 2019
    Data breaches only happen to other companies — that’s true right up until the minute your company, believing itself secure, gets hacked and finds that the personal data of millions of its customers has been exposed. A company’s reputation and competitive advantage — which may have taken decades to build — can be destroyed overnight. For an emerging technology company, a security breach could…
  • Blog
    October 8, 2019
    Protiviti’s 2019 SOX survey shows that companies, with the help of technology, are finally beginning to make headway in the 15-year battle to rein in SOX compliance costs and rising control counts. A few weeks ago, we discussed some of the factors that contribute to the reduction in hours and costs, and we pointed to reducing and standardizing control counts as one of these factors. But a reduced…
  • Blog
    October 9, 2019
    In its 2020 fiscal year bank supervision operating plan, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) identifies cybersecurity and operational resiliency, Bank Secrecy Act/anti-money laundering compliance management, commercial and retail credit underwriting practices, and commercial and retail credit oversight and control functions  among its top supervisory priorities. In…
  • Blog
    October 10, 2019
    In early 2016, the then-Comptroller of the Currency, Thomas Curry, issued a strongly worded report. “In the area of credit risk, the warning lights are flashing yellow,” he wrote in the OCC’s Semi-Annual Risk Perspective. “We can’t wait until the warning lights turn red.” According to the OCC, 2016 marked the fourth straight year that underwriting practices had loosened. Curry noted that banks…