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  • Whitepaper
    October 11, 2017
    ​Ihre Herausforderung Technisch und organisatorisch ist Ihre IT auf dem neuesten Stand. Hackerangriffe über das Netzwerk wehren Sie erfolgreich ab. Allerdings erhalten Ihre Mitarbeiter immer öfter gefälschte E-Mails und dubiose Anrufe mit Zahlungsaufforderungen oder Mailanhänge sollen geöffnet und installiert werden.
  • Blog
    May 24, 2018
    For as long as business intelligence (BI) has existed, organizations have made significant investments in high-performing platforms – only to find no one will use the solution. Why? For one, end users cannot find information quickly, or at all. Two, the information they do find isn’t relevant. Three, they expect their BI systems to work as effortlessly as popular search engines and social media,…
  • Whitepaper
    August 1, 2022
    The purpose of security analytics in an organisationSecurity metrics and the analysis of security information can be challenging concepts even for leading organisations. As information security professionals, most of us have been taught that in order to have a mature information security function we must both document and measure the organisation’s security capabilities. If policies are the…
  • Whitepaper
    August 1, 2022
    U.S. Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco has called sanctions “the new FCPA.” [1] The EU has issued a proposal that would make sanctions evasion an EU crime [2] . The U.K.’s Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI) is under pressure from key global partners to step up its enforcement activity [3]. These developments are just a few of the signs that the national…
  • Blog
    June 14, 2018
    The clock is ticking as organizations get set to meet the requirements of new lease accounting standards. Issued in February 2016, FASB Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) Topic 842 requires lessees to report assets and liabilities related to leases of one year or more on the balance sheet. The new lease standard takes effect starting December 2018 for public companies and a year later for…
  • Podcast
    September 7, 2022
    Eine 85 Jahre alte Idee könnte der Schlüssel zu nahezu fehlerfreien Qubits sein. Das Majorana-Fermion erlangte einen fast mythischen Status, aber Microsoft hat kürzlich eine kritische technische Hürde genommen, um topologische Qubits mit Teilchen zu erzeugen. Wie nah sind wir an Quantencomputern mit dieser Technologie?
  • Client Story
    March 27, 2020
    For one global biopharmaceutical company, the ability to access vital data when and where it’s needed can affect more than just performance — it can impact the ability to save lives. This industry leader develops, manufactures and distributes breakthrough medical therapies to treat patients with serious and life-threatening medical conditions. The company conducts clinical trials to better…
  • Blog
    September 26, 2018
    Oracle ERP Cloud implementations are typically fast-paced, complex and cross-functional. As such, they often face a number of challenges and risks that threaten to derail progress, negatively impact end users or drive up project costs. Even with a strong system integrator (SI), it is critical for the business to assume responsibilities for key activities in order to reduce the likelihood of…
  • Client Story
    January 2, 2020
    According to the 2018 Census Bureau, 12.8% of the U.S. population has some type of disability. Included in that statistic are those who have impairments that impact accessibility of online websites, applications and documents.These impairments include:Difficulty lifting or grasping, which can impact use of a mouse or keyboardCognitive, mental or emotional impairmentVision impairment (…
  • Client Story
    April 22, 2020
    Globalisation and the internet in recent history have generated any number of benefits for corporations, professionals and job seekers by allowing them to seek collaboration and expansion opportunities in new markets. But this virtual free flow of commerce and cooperation can abruptly hit a dead end at the door of regulators with purview over certain countries or jurisdictions, halting businesses…