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  • Blog
    March 8, 2018
    Topical webinars featuring Protiviti’s subject-matter experts rank among our most popular content — both live and on demand. One of the best features of the live versions are the questions from participants, which offer insight into what’s top of mind for them. Our recent webinar on the 2018 Audit Committee Agenda drew out some interesting questions, which we are happy to share as part of our…
  • Blog
    March 9, 2018
    Executives that participated in Protiviti’s latest annual top risks survey, conducted with North Carolina State University ERM Initiative, ranked regulatory changes and scrutiny as a top-five risk in 2018. That’s hardly a shocker, considering that respondents typically identify regulatory issues as a top concern each year. Companies unaware that regulatory changes could affect them are at even…
  • Blog
    March 12, 2018
    Organizations worldwide are undertaking business and digital transformation initiatives, enabling changes that will have far-reaching effects on every enterprise function. Not surprisingly, the ability to utilize data analytics and big data to achieve competitive advantage and manage operations and strategic plans ranks among the top risk issues for board members and C-suite executives worldwide…
  • Blog
    March 13, 2018
    Digitalization has been called the fourth industrial revolution. New business models are emerging to keep up with the rapid pace of change, and not surprisingly, they are being met with some predictable internal resistance and cultural challenges. As these more agile and automated models rely to an ever-greater extent on technology and third-party suppliers, supply chain risk is an increasing…
  • Blog
    March 14, 2018
    January 2018 set a record for initial public offerings (IPOs), with 17 companies raising almost $8 billion, surpassing the record of January 2014, when 12 IPOs raised $5.3 billion. That pace slowed considerably in February, however, amid substantial market volatility. It is easy to understand why companies – or their underwriters – grew shy of IPOs amidst the market swings. IPO activity…
  • Blog
    June 30, 2020
    COVID-19 has exposed glaring deficiencies in business continuity and crisis management plans at organizations across all industries. And while executives and management today are focusing the lion’s share of their efforts on responding to the day-to-day upheaval caused by the virus, they should be preparing now for the possibility of a second wave that further disrupts business. In a recent…
  • Blog
    July 1, 2020
    The concept of an extreme but plausible event is a moving and expanding target. Over time, our thinking on what can be deemed implausible or improbable will continue to evolve. The magnitude of impact from real events will reshape our view of what today is considered extreme. It is true that organizations and their business continuity management (BCM) teams often contemplate scenarios that are…
  • Blog
    July 1, 2020
    With  good reason, private equity (PE) firms are abuzz about the recent Information Letter from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), which permits PE firms to market PE funds as components of target date, target risk, or balanced funds. On June 3, the DOL issued an Information Letter under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). The letter concerns PE investments as components…
  • Blog
    July 2, 2020
    Organizations that rely on third parties to perform key services or deliver critical goods have had those relationships tested in 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic caused critical vendors to become temporarily unavailable, change how they provide services, or forced them to go out of business altogether. Exports from China and other countries have been heavily impacted as factories were taken…
  • Blog
    July 6, 2020
    Recent guidance from the Division of Corporate Finance at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), issued on June 23, 2020, reminds listed companies about their disclosure obligations in light of changes and challenges brought by COVID-19. This latest guidance builds on an earlier advisory, issued March 25, and provides the Commission’s additional views regarding operations, liquidity and…