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  • Whitepaper

    June 20, 2017
    Die Nutzung individueller Datenverarbeitungs-Anwendungen mit Excel, Access, Crystal Reports o.ä. kann negative Auswirkungen auf die Vertraulichkeit, Integrität, Verfügbarkeit sowie Nachvollziehbarkeit wichtiger Daten haben. Wir helfen Ihnen dabei geeignete Maßnahmen und Kontrollmechanismen zu definieren und zu implementieren.
  • Client Story

    March 13, 2024
    Protiviti setzte Microsoft Power BI ein, um diesen Kunden bei der Umgestaltung seiner Betriebsanalysen zu unterstützen. Wir haben eine Benutzeroberfläche entwickelt, die alle 15 Minuten Analysen generiert und einfach zu bedienen ist.
  • Whitepaper

    August 31, 2023
    By Sharon Lindstrom - Global Leader, Manufacturing and Distribution Industry Practice, ProtivitiBy the numbers: Overall, organisations today spend an average of 30% of their IT budgets on and invest a fifth of their IT human resources in technical debt management.This research, based on a global survey of more than 1,000 CIOs, CTOs and other technology leaders, underscores the burden created by…
  • Newsletter

    November 14, 2021
    In the third decade of the 21st century, smart companies and boards across all industries recognise that the pace of technological change continues to unfold at warp speed. The question in the boardroom a decade ago — “Should we invest in digital transformation?” — has transitioned to a different question today: “How much should we invest and, more important, how fast should we invest, given our…
  • Whitepaper

    September 25, 2020
    Unser AngebotDie SAP GRC-Upgrade Services von Protiviti sind Teil einer umfänglichen Reihe von SAP GRC-Dienstleistungen rund um die Module Access Control (AC), Process Control (PC), Risikomanagement (RM), SAP Security & Berechtigungsmanagement und Application Management Support.Wir sorgen dafür, dass Ihre SAP GRC-Umgebung optimal funktioniert und Sie sich voll auf die Verbesserung der…
  • Podcast Transcript

    July 27, 2023
    ChatGPT is the talk of the town today. But as we all know, generative AI is much more than this one tool. Gen AI represents a new frontier of promise, productivity and capabilities for organisations around the world. But it also comes with risks that these organisations must understand and manage if they’re going to capitalise successfully on these new technologies.In this episode, we talk all…
  • Podcast

    July 28, 2023
    ChatGPT ist heute in aller Munde. Aber generative KI ist viel mehr als ein Tool. Gen AI eröffnet Organisationen neue Dimensionen in Bezug auf Potenzial, Produktivität und Fähigkeiten. Damit einher gehen jedoch auch Risiken.
  • Whitepaper

    March 24, 2022
    The promises of 5G are undeniable: massive connectivity for internet of things (iot) devices, reduced latency and ultrareliability with supersonic speed. While forwardthinking business leaders are embracing this new era of improved network performance,speed and user experience, many still wonder if 5g is right for their business — and if so, when is the right time to invest in it?Protiviti…
  • Podcast

    April 1, 2020
    We’re producing a series of podcasts on GRC programmes and technologies, obtaining perspectives from Protiviti leaders and subject-matter experts around the world on GRC drivers, innovations and challenges in their markets. This episode features conversation with Scott Wisniewski, a managing director and leader with Protiviti’s Software Solutions group. Scott offers his thoughts and perspectives…
  • Podcast

    March 24, 2021
    Protiviti has produced a series of podcasts on GRC programmes and technologies in which we obtained perspectives from Protiviti leaders and subject-matter experts around the world on GRC drivers, innovations and challenges in their markets. In this episode, we talked with Ivan Torres, a Director with Protiviti’s Technology Consulting group. Ivan, who is based in Mexico City, offers his views on…