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  • Flash Report

    December 14, 2020
    On December 13, 2020, the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued an emergency directive detailing required action for federal agencies to mitigate the threat of the recently discovered compromise involving SolarWinds® Orion® Network Management products that are currently being exploited by malicious actors. (Read the SolarWinds Security…
  • Podcast

    October 20, 2021
    Compared to a couple years ago, we’re spoiled by how many real quantum computers we can access online today. Some systems are available through multi-hardware cloud sites like Microsoft Azure Quantum and Amazon Braket; some through individual system manufacturer’s own sites. As more machines come online, and more businesses compete for quantum compute time, things are starting to get a little…
  • Podcast Transcript

    October 20, 2021
    Compared to a couple years ago, we’re spoiled by how many real quantum computers we can access online today. Some systems are available through multi-hardware cloud sites like Microsoft Azure Quantum and Amazon Braket; some through individual system manufacturer’s own sites. As more machines come online, and more businesses compete for quantum compute time, things are starting to get a little…
  • Whitepaper

    November 12, 2020
    Die Möglichkeiten der Künstliche Intelligenz werden unseren Berufsalltag verändern wie kaum eine technologische Innovation zuvor. Tätigkeiten, die heute noch als mühsam und zeitintensiv gelten, werden in Zukunft automatisiert ablaufen. Andere Tätigkeiten werden relativ an Bedeutung gewinnen. Diese Änderungen werden insbesondere auch die Interne Revision, als besonders personalintensive Tätigkeit…
  • Blogs

    April 13, 2021
    Cybersecurity, Privacy, Data and Resilience Dominate the Top Technology Challenges for Energy and Utilities Organisations.
  • Podcast

    June 23, 2020
    Protiviti Managing Directors Christopher Wright and Charles Soranno offer a CFO and finance perspective on Protiviti’s 2020 SOX Compliance Survey results.
  • Podcast Transcript

    June 23, 2020
    Protiviti Managing Directors Christopher Wright and Charles Soranno offer a CFO and finance perspective on Protiviti’s 2020 SOX Compliance Survey results.
  • Podcast Transcript

    July 25, 2022
    To kick off our 2022 Risky Women Radio podcast series, Kimberley Cole speaks with Senior Risk and Compliance Leaders at Protiviti, Carol Beaumier and Bernadine Reese about financial services industry compliance priorities for 2022.
  • Video

    September 3, 2020
    Cyber risk quantification (CRQ) uses industry leading and highly vetted probabilistic models to more accurately describe the cyber security and technology-based risks facing an organisation. Tune in to Protiviti's subject matter experts answer 15 frequently asked questions about CRQ.
  • Whitepaper

    October 11, 2017
    ​Ihre Herausforderung Technisch und organisatorisch ist Ihre IT auf dem neuesten Stand. Hackerangriffe über das Netzwerk wehren Sie erfolgreich ab. Allerdings erhalten Ihre Mitarbeiter immer öfter gefälschte E-Mails und dubiose Anrufe mit Zahlungsaufforderungen oder Mailanhänge sollen geöffnet und installiert werden.