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  • Podcast

    May 2, 2022
    ESG reporting is garnering a growing amount of attention today, particularly among board members seeking to understand and possibly comply with specific requirements in their country or their industry. But when it comes to ESG reporting, there are a lot of questions. Who specifically is required to issue these ESG reports? Who is issuing them voluntarily? And more importantly, what do…
  • Podcast

    September 14, 2023
    In this episode, we discuss digital maturity in finance. Or more specifically, how more finance organisations are employing ERP systems, moving to cloud-based systems, transitioning more to analytics, and with that, understanding the talent management and risk management needs that are required with these major changes.  Sharing their insights on these issues are two Protiviti experts, Chelsea…
  • Podcast Transcript

    August 13, 2022
    ESG is a driving theme and priority for most organizations around the world today. And like any other key initiative within these organizations, whether it be global expansion or launching new product lines, there must be a plan and strategy for ESG programs and activities. cannot be approached as a side project. In this episode of Board Perspectives, we speak with Protiviti's Ellen Holder and…
  • Newsletter

    September 25, 2023
    Delivering results — and the 60-hour-a-week grind fests that doing so demanded — often sufficed for “leadership development.” Not anymore.What’s at stake: It’s time to understand new talent and workforce realities. Organisations that fail to address succession planning and leadership development inadequacies won’t be successful over the long term — rather, they expose themselves to strategic…
  • Newsletter

    March 24, 2024
    In the race toward innovation and transformation, it can be easy for leadership to overlook their crucial role in driving change in the organisation, including fostering vital new mindsets and behaviors.What you should know: Executive engagement is a critical component to enable change. It’s important to make the distinction that leaders and managers don’t “manage” change; they “enable” change.By…
  • Podcast

    December 20, 2023
    Sharon Lindstrom, Managing Director and Global Leader of Protiviti’s Manufacturing and Distribution industry group, comments on short- and long-term trends in the market.Read 2024 Top Risks Manufacturing and Distribution Results
  • Podcast

    December 20, 2023
    Managing Director Nick McKeehan comments on the market landscape for Distribution and Logistics organisations.Read 2024 Top Risks Manufacturing and Distribution Results
  • Podcast Transcript

    February 18, 2023
    In this episode, we focus on ESG from a legal perspective. Alyse Mauro Mason, an Associate Director with the Business Performance Improvement solution and ESG practice at Protiviti, interviews Dennis Kerrigan, Executive Vice President and General Counsel for the Hanover Insurance Group, and Rich Cohen, a Managing Director with the Legal Consulting practice at Protiviti.
  • Newsletter

    February 21, 2023
    Talente und Kultur stehen ganz oben auf der Liste der wichtigsten Risikobedenken weltweiter Vorstandsmitglieder und Führungskräfte, sowohl für die kommenden 12 Monate als auch bis in das Jahr 2032. Dies geht aus der jüngsten Top Risks Survey von Protiviti und der ERM-Initiative der NC State University hervor.
  • Survey

    December 20, 2023
    The economy, talent and cyber threats drive concerns for manufacturing and distribution leaders beyond supply chainIn an ever-evolving and rapidly changing business landscape for manufacturing and distribution organisations, executives and boards are challenged to navigate myriad risks, particularly as their businesses continue to play catch-up on numerous fronts in areas such as innovation and…