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  • Client Story

    March 19, 2024
    Erleben Sie das Transformationspotenzial von verantwortungsbewusster KI. Unser maßgeschneidertes Governance-Framework sorgt für eine ethische Nutzung und Compliance und leitet Ihre KI-Reise.
  • Podcast

    November 9, 2023
    Große Tech-Unternehmen, die Hosting-Dienste, Online-Plattformen und Suchmaschinen anbieten, müssen nun Verfahren einrichten, um über illegale Inhalte informiert zu werden und auf Meldungen über digitale Dienste der EU zu reagieren.
  • Infographic

    July 17, 2022
    Even in the current slow-growth environment, global e-commerce sales in 2022 are expected to exceed $5 trillion for the first time and remain on pace to surge past $7 trillion by 2025. For money launderers, the online trading boom has been a bonanza. With a few clicks of a computer, money launderers are using e-commerce sites and payment providers to process ill-gotten gains, conceal the funds’…
  • Whitepaper

    March 31, 2021
    New presidential administrations often establish new demands and priorities with regard to addressing and enforcing current regulations based on their own priorities. The latest change in the White House, with the Biden administration assuming control, has been no exception. Whereas the Trump administration scaled back enforcement of financial regulations in a number of areas, including but not…
  • Whitepaper

    August 29, 2023
    You need to learn not only about generative artificial intelligence’s potential uses for delivery and management of healthcare, but also about its capabilities to support internal audit activity. At the same time, you need to understand hazards associated with its use and develop your approaches to realizing generative AI’s potential while managing its risks.
  • Podcast

    January 20, 2020
    Welcome to the new edition of Powerful Insights and our series on Cybersecurity Awareness. Protiviti has a series of webinars on cybersecurity awareness that, along with these accompanying podcasts, are intended to highlight ways organisations can be proactive in addressing these critical security challenges today. We explore how leaders can dynamically build cyber resilience while maximising…
  • Whitepaper

    April 25, 2022
    In the novel Tell the Machine Goodnight, Katie Williams tells the story of Pearl, a technician for Apricity Corporation, which has developed a machine that “uses a sophisticated metric, taking into account factors of which we are not consciously aware,” and with 99.7% accuracy, offers recommendations for what will make people happy. Does this narrative provide a glimpse into our future? Will…
  • Client Story

    June 25, 2019
    FASB’s new lease accounting guidance (ASC Topic 842), issued on February 25, 2016, requires organisations to recognise lease assets and liabilities on the balance sheet and disclose key information on lease transactions. For most companies with leased assets, the change significantly affects financial reporting. Companies must obtain key information through lease abstraction and populate a data…
  • Whitepaper

    September 19, 2022
    Plan for the Unexpected. Build Resiliency.Instill your organisation with the advantage to endure company disruptions and consistently meet business goals with reduced financial, operational, cybersecurity, and efficiency losses. Assess your areas of risk and develop, enhance, as well as maintain plans to enable resilience, regardless of the circumstance. Flashing back to 2020, the world was in…
  • Whitepaper

    December 7, 2020
    Eight Recommendations for Addressing the Impacts of COVID-19 on Financial Services Industry Audit Plans The COVID-19 pandemic continues to create untold havoc on individuals, businesses and economies throughout the world, with no clear end in sight. The financial services industry (FSI) has by no means been immune. An abundance of pandemic-related events, including the implementation of …