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  • Survey

    December 15, 2022
    Unternehmen im Besitz von PE wägen ihre größten Risiken für 2023 und das nächste Jahrzehnt ab, von Arbeits- und globalen Lieferkettenproblemen bis hin zu Resilienz und Kultur. Wenn es um die Risikolandschaft für 2023 und die nächsten 10 Jahre geht, stehen Menschen, Talente und Kultur ganz oben auf der Liste der Bedenken
  • Whitepaper

    April 29, 2022
    The Ukrainian refugee crisis More than 5 million refugees – greater than 10% of the country’s population – have fled from Ukraine in the two months since the Russian invasion, about 90% are women and children. The number of refugees already rank the Ukrainian refugee crisis among the top five refugee crises in recent times, and there is no indication that the migration is ending.   The refugees…
  • Newsletter

    February 7, 2024
    Capturing insights from over 1,100 C-level executives and directors across multiple industries with broad geographic representation, our global survey of C-level executives and directors survey offers insights for the top risks over the next 10 years out to 2034. The following table provides a context for understanding the most critical uncertainties companies face looking forward to 2034.TOP…
  • Podcast

    September 15, 2023
    In this episode, hosted by Protiviti Associate Director Alyse Mauro Mason, we focus on financial inclusion, defining financial inclusion and its impact, what it means for your business, and how to manage the risk of more inclusive credit and lending practices.Alyse’s guests are Tracie Anderson of TransUnion and Shelley Metz-Galloway of Protiviti.Tracie is Principal, Economic Inclusion Strategy, U…
  • Podcast Transcript

    September 15, 2023
    In this episode, hosted by Protiviti Associate Director Alyse Mauro Mason, we focus on financial inclusion, defining financial inclusion and its impact, what it means for your business, and how to manage the risk of more inclusive credit and lending practices.Alyse’s guests are Tracie Anderson of TransUnion and Shelley Metz-Galloway of Protiviti.Tracie is Principal, Economic Inclusion Strategy, U…
  • Whitepaper

    August 22, 2021
    The continuing global challenges and potential existential threat posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Political divisiveness and polarisation. Social and economic unrest. AI, automation and other rapidly developing digital technologies. Rapid shift to virtual work environments. Changes in the geopolitical landscape. Shifting customer preferences. Volatile unemployment levels. Record low interest…
  • Whitepaper

    August 11, 2023
    The International Organisation for Standardisation’s (ISO) new global messaging standard, ISO 20022, is set to be adopted by payment processing organisations globally by 2025.
  • Whitepaper

    May 10, 2024
    Alle vor 2020 gemachten Vorhersagen über die Zukunft der Arbeit haben sich mit COVID-19, der Inflation und den sozialen Bewegungen der letzten zwei Jahre geändert. Die Workforce des Jahres 2030 sieht ganz anders aus als zuvor erwartet.
  • Survey

    January 31, 2022
    For CFOs, talent, culture and resilience rate as immediate and long-term strategic challenges Massive disruptions in the global supply chain. Challenges in attracting and retaining talent to address needs all across the enterprise. COVID-19 variants. Cyber attacks and ransomware. Wildfires and flooding. Geopolitical tensions in specific regions and shifts on issues related to climate change.…
  • Newsletter

    March 23, 2020
    The discussion below is a more complete coverage, including examples, of the topic addressed in Issue 126 of Board Perspectives: Risk Oversight and on NACD/BoardTalk. In a crisis, clear thinking is needed in the boardroom. The unprecedented nature of the COVID-19 pandemic has set in motion one of the most abrupt disruptions in decades, leaving organisations reeling with uncertainty as fear…