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  • Whitepaper

    March 16, 2023
    Data has become the life blood of businesses and properly managing that data to gain the most value is becoming ever more important as businesses seek to remain competitive. This Insights paper will address the importance of investing in the processes, practices, and technologies to maximise the value of data in an enterprise.
  • Podcast Transcript

    July 13, 2022
    Supply-chain issues are plaguing the world right now, across all industries, from manufacturing, technology, healthcare, and more. Can quantum computing offer a way to ease the burden and provide real customer advantage? Evidence seems to suggest so. Join host Konstantinos Karagiannis for a chat about this use case, and other innovative ones you may not have heard of, with Alex Khan from ZebraKet…
  • Podcast

    October 31, 2022
    Supply-chain issues are plaguing the world right now, across all industries, from manufacturing, technology, healthcare, and more. Can quantum computing offer a way to ease the burden and provide real customer advantage? Evidence seems to suggest so. Join host Konstantinos Karagiannis for a chat about this use case, and other innovative ones you may not have heard of, with Alex Khan from ZebraKet…
  • Blogs

    February 22, 2021
    Big changes are coming to how the insurance industry recognises and reports out financial performance. But the effects won’t be felt just in the accounting department. IFRS 17, Insurance Contracts, and its U.S. companion, accounting standard ASU 2018-12, Targeted Improvements to the Accounting for Long-Duration Contracts, are intended to add clarity for investors in the wake of events and…
  • Client Story

    July 24, 2022
    Kleinere Unternehmen können es sich nicht leisten, in hohem Maße von technischen Beratern abhängig oder an ein Portfolio isolierter Anwendungen ohne Möglichkeit Daten zu tracken gebunden zu sein. Kürzlich fand die visionäre Leiterin eines Berufsverbands im Gesundheitswesen für ihr Unternehmen einen Ausweg aus dieser Zwickmühle
  • Podcast Transcript

    April 13, 2022
    It should come as no surprise that, according to research from Protiviti, ESG metrics and measurement are among the top priorities for CFOs and finance teams to address, and a majority are substantially increasing the focus on and frequency of their ESG reporting. A key part of these efforts must be building sustainable operations and supply chains.But this only scratches the surface. Board…
  • Podcast

    April 13, 2022
    It should come as no surprise that, according to research from Protiviti, ESG metrics and measurement are among the top priorities for CFOs and finance teams to address, and a majority are substantially increasing the focus on and frequency of their ESG reporting. A key part of these efforts must be building sustainable operations and supply chains.But this only scratches the surface. Board…
  • Client Story

    October 18, 2021
    Organisations in the managed healthcare sector contend with ongoing claims payment challenges, among many others. Fragmented systems, manual claim auditing, payment errors and tedious reporting drain countless employee hours, and relentless regulatory demands bring pressures daily. As a result, managed care companies are understandably thirsty for ways to relieve the claims audit burden, even as…
  • Podcast Transcript

    September 14, 2023
    In this episode, we discuss digital maturity in finance. Or more specifically, how more finance organisations are employing ERP systems, moving to cloud-based systems, transitioning more to analytics, and with that, understanding the talent management and risk management needs that are required with these major changes.Sharing their insights on these issues are two Protiviti experts, Chelsea…
  • Podcast

    September 14, 2023
    In this episode, we discuss digital maturity in finance. Or more specifically, how more finance organisations are employing ERP systems, moving to cloud-based systems, transitioning more to analytics, and with that, understanding the talent management and risk management needs that are required with these major changes.  Sharing their insights on these issues are two Protiviti experts, Chelsea…