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  • Whitepaper

    June 25, 2021
    A group of chief financial officers (CFOs) of high-growth technology companies regularly meets virtually in a small-group setting using Chatham house rules to exchange learnings and discuss business challenges and industry trends. Participants of this exclusive CFO peer group create the agenda through a series of pre-interviews. Protiviti is proud to support and host members of this community.…
  • Whitepaper

    September 16, 2020
    Shrink has long represented a significant challenge for retailers. Unfortunately, during a time of tightening margins and declining sales, the issue shows no signs of withering away. According to the 2020 National Retail Security Survey of the National Retail Federation (NRF), shrink is at an all-time high. In 2019, it accounted for an average rate of 1.62% of inventory, calculated at retail,…
  • Research Guide

    September 23, 2020
    Niemand kann vorhersagen, wann eine Krise wie Covid-19 erneut eintritt. Umso wichtiger ist es daher, dass Unternehmen sich auf unerwartete Ereignisse vorbereiten, um im Ernstfall schnell und flexibel reagieren zu können. Mit unserem globalen Business Continuity & Resilience Guide haben wir eine Plattform geschaffen, um die wichtigsten Fragen im Umgang und dem Aufbau eines Business Contiunity…
  • Blogs

    April 1, 2020
    Was tun, wenn der Abschwung kommt? Darauf brauchen Entscheider gerade jetzt eine gute Antwort. Doch brummen die Geschäfte, spielt eine Strategie für schlechtere Zeiten oft keine Rolle. Das kann gefährlich werden. Deshalb empfehlen die Berater von Protiviti frühes Handeln – bevor die Konjunktur lahmt.
  • Survey

    November 7, 2023
    If a group of chief financial officers (CFOs) from 2018 stepped out of a time machine into their 2023 offices, they would be astonished by what they saw. Environmental, social and governance (ESG) metrics and measurements would top their priority lists. Most of their finance organisations would be using generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) to enhance their business planning and analysis (BP…
  • Whitepaper

    March 1, 2022
    Chief financial officers (CFOs) of high-growth software companies meet virtually in a small-group setting using Chatham House rules to exchange learnings and discuss business challenges and industry trends. Participants in this exclusive CFO peer group develop the agenda through a series of pre-interviews. Protiviti is proud to support and host members of this community. The agenda topics for…
  • Survey

    January 28, 2021
    chief financial officers and finance leaders across all industries are leveraging hard-earned lessons from the covid-19 pandemic to strengthen organisational agility and resilience. in the retail space, where the pandemic has had drastic effects, the demands and expectations of both internal and external customers are changing by the day, and retailers are looking to their finance departments for…
  • Whitepaper

    August 22, 2021
    The continuing global challenges and potential existential threat posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Political divisiveness and polarisation. Social and economic unrest. AI, automation and other rapidly developing digital technologies. Rapid shift to virtual work environments. Changes in the geopolitical landscape. Shifting customer preferences. Volatile unemployment levels. Record low interest…
  • Whitepaper

    August 23, 2021
    Since it first emerged a few years ago within the finance and accounting groups of fast-growing technology organisations, the adoption of the flexible labor model has swiftly advanced across numerous industries and companies of all sizes. The finance and accounting group has always needed a flexible approach to its labor model due to unexpected changes in business units, automation platforms or…
  • Whitepaper

    August 22, 2022
    Are your operations truly supporting your business strategy? If not, it’s time to assess and optimise the right processes in your organisation. Executive summary Consider if this scenario sounds familiar: Your organisation has expanded significantly over the past few years, increasing both its customer base and number of employees. The business strategy is driving a highly successful growth…