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  • Whitepaper

    September 15, 2022
    Haben Sie die Abkürzung „IPE“ schon einmal gehört und kennen Sie die Besonderheiten bei der Prüfung von „Monitoring oder Management-Review Controls“? Wir analysieren gemeinsam mit Ihnen inwieweit Sie die Anforderungen bereits erfüllen und geben Handlungsempfehlungen.
  • Newsletter

    July 29, 2020
    In your monthly compliance news roundup, you will read about: Implications of Class Action Suit Alleging Misleading Autopay Options Recapping Regulatory Responses to COVID-19 DOJ Updates Guidance on Evaluating Corporate Compliance Programmes Regulators Aim to Provide Financial Institutions Clear Guidance and Improve Compliance
  • Flash Report

    March 29, 2023
    The Committee of Sponsoring Organisations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) has released supplemental guidance on how to effectively apply the 2013 Internal Control — Integrated Framework (ICIF) — which is currently applied to financial reporting — to sustainability reporting. The guidance results from a project approved by the COSO board a year ago with the objective of helping organisations “…
  • Whitepaper

    September 14, 2020
    Was tun Sie, um Ihr Unternehmen vor digitalen Bedrohungen zu schützen? In unserer gemeinsamen Online Roadshow mit der TÜV SÜD Sec-IT gewähren wir Ihnen exklusive Einblicke in gängige Methoden und Top-Themenfelder der Informationssicherheit. Mit innovativen Lösungsansätzen nehmen wir Bezug auf die aktuelle Krisensituation, die Bedrohung durch Cyberangriffe und rechtliche…
  • Whitepaper

    April 4, 2023
    Chief financial officers (CFOs) in the technology sector met to discuss leading industry practices, trends and other topics of mutual interest in a virtual roundtable conducted under the Chatham House Rule. The agenda for this virtual exchange, hosted by Protiviti Managing Directors Gordon Tucker, Christopher Wright and Fran Maxwell, was created through a series of pre-interviews. Comments from…
  • Video

    October 14, 2021
    Healthcare Provider Internal Audit Plan Priorities Funding, privacy, security and IT system changes dominate priorities for healthcare internal auditors. In this sessions learn about key findings from the latest survey conducted by Protiviti and AHIA on Healthcare Provider Organisation Internal Audit Plan Priorities. Speakers: Richard Williams, Managing Director Alex Robison, Managing Director…
  • Podcast Transcript

    September 22, 2021
    Engineering challenges abound in quantum computing. Technologies like interconnect and improved memory for repeaters will enable these machines to accelerate and power connectivity in the future. Q-NEXT is one of five quantum information science research centers funded by the DOE to help develop these technologies in addition to strengthening the nation’s leadership position in the quantum arms…
  • Podcast

    September 22, 2021
    Engineering challenges abound in quantum computing. Technologies like interconnect and improved memory for repeaters will enable these machines to accelerate and power connectivity in the future. Q-NEXT is one of five quantum information science research centers funded by the DOE to help develop these technologies in addition to strengthening the nation’s leadership position in the quantum arms…
  • Podcast

    February 23, 2022
    Controlling a quantum computer can mean a lot of things. For Q-CTRL, it includes better error correction and tools that help improve the performance of algorithms … by a factor of 9,000. It also means having a strong educational environment to help solve the talent shortage facing the industry. Join host Konstantinos Karagiannis for a chat with Michael J. Biercuk from Q-CTRL on how control…
  • Whitepaper

    November 18, 2020
    Wie Management von Risiken aus einem Guss gelingen kann In den meisten Unternehmen finden sich verschiedene Funktionen, die sich im weitesten Sinne mit Risiken auseinandersetzen – Risikomanagement, Compliance, Information Security, Internes Kontrollsystem oder Interne Revision, um nur einige zu nennen. Oft sind die einzelnen Funktionen in ihren Tätigkeiten personell und methodisch gut…