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  • Survey

    January 24, 2022
    As CIOs strive to foster a data-first mindset throughout their organisations, they’ll discover that their CFOs are targeting the same objective in their finance groups — to make better decisions and take smarter risks. Protiviti’s 2021 Global Finance Trends Survey, an annual global survey of CFOs and finance leaders, shows that CFOs are strengthening their already-intense focus on data analytics…
  • Whitepaper

    November 12, 2020
    Die Möglichkeiten der Künstliche Intelligenz werden unseren Berufsalltag verändern wie kaum eine technologische Innovation zuvor. Tätigkeiten, die heute noch als mühsam und zeitintensiv gelten, werden in Zukunft automatisiert ablaufen. Andere Tätigkeiten werden relativ an Bedeutung gewinnen. Diese Änderungen werden insbesondere auch die Interne Revision, als besonders personalintensive Tätigkeit…
  • Newsletter

    August 16, 2021
    As disruption and the unexpected have become the norm in many industries, clarity is needed around framing the boardroom risk conversation. In 2009, in the wake of the great financial crisis, the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) published a report on the board’s risk governance process, recommending five risk categories for boards to differentiate risks for discussion purposes…
  • Newsletter

    February 8, 2023
    Eine weltweite Online-Umfrage, die im Herbst von Protiviti und der ERM-Initiative der NC State University unter 1.304 Führungskräften und Direktoren durchgeführt wurde, zeigt, dass sich die Risikolandschaft in den nächsten 10 Jahren stark verändern wird
  • Whitepaper

    May 30, 2023
    Servicers in lending organisations are challenged with navigating economic headwinds that are pushing delinquency- and default-rate projections higher. This task has been complicated by increased global regulatory focus and dynamic customer expectations, which are further providing impetus for servicers to reassess existing strategies and processes from a compliance perspective while continuing…
  • Newsletter

    January 12, 2023
    The global survey of C-level executives and directors, focused on macroeconomic, strategic and operational risks, highlights the influence of the economy, people and culture issues, supply chain risks, and technology impacts on the 2023 risk landscape. The survey was conducted online in the September — October 2022 time frame to capture perspectives on 38 risks on the minds of business leaders as…
  • Newsletter

    February 16, 2022
    Our global survey of C-level executives and directors regarding their views on macroeconomic, strategic and operational risks highlights a disruptive risk landscape over the next decade through 2031. In the attached pdf, we rank the highest-rated risk themes in order of priority to provide a context for understanding the most critical uncertainties companies face looking forward over the next…
  • Client Story

    June 16, 2023
    A globally-recognized CRM provider engaged Protiviti to assist them in determining methods to better protect customer data while complying with each customer's unique regulatory requirements. The client needed an efficient method to perform configuration checks on AWS resources to ensure it would remain compliant with the HIPAA framework so that it could grow its footprint in the healthcare…
  • Client Story

    June 16, 2023
    Unsere Unterstützung ermöglichte dem Kunden eine sichere AWS Infrastruktur, um die fortlaufende Einhaltung der FedRamp-Vorschriften sicherzustellen, die für seine Geschäftsstrategie von entscheidender Bedeutung sind.
  • Whitepaper

    February 17, 2021
    Lingering Effects of Pandemic and Operational Challenges Are Top Concerns for Consumer Products and Services Organisations The continuing global challenges and potential existential threat posed by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Political divisiveness and polarisation. Social and economic unrest. Gridlock. Artificial intelligence (AI), automation and other rapidly developing digital technologies…