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  • Survey

    January 3, 2023
    Zentrale Ergebnisse einer Oxford-Protiviti-Umfrage, Executive Outlook on the Future of ESG, 2032 and Beyond: Die Umfrage unter Führungskräften mit einem Ausblick auf 10 Jahre zeigt, dass nordamerikanische Führungskräfte weniger besorgt über Umweltrisiken und ESG-Vorschriften sind
  • Client Story

    April 19, 2024
    Protiviti arbeitet mit einem Einzelhändler im ländlichen Raum zusammen, um dessen Programm und Architektur für das Identitäts- und Zugriffsmanagement von Kunden zu bewerten.
  • Client Story

    January 10, 2024
    Der Kunde wollte die Bestandsverwaltungspraktiken in einem Werk seiner gewerblichen HLK-Abteilung verbessern, in dem es zu erheblichen Produktionsunterbrechungen und Bestandsverlusten kam.
  • Client Story

    June 13, 2023
    Wir unterstützten den Kunden bei der technologischen Transformation, um ein eigenes Yachthafenverwaltungssystem zu entwickeln, das einen optimierten Yachthafenbetrieb sowie verbesserte Dienstleistungen für Mitglieder ermöglicht.
  • Whitepaper

    November 18, 2022
    In this issue of the Credit Pulse, we look at credit risk considering the macroeconomic and geopolitical trends likely to shape the financial services industry over the next six months. First, we focus on critical considerations for loan servicers in the post-pandemic era. Then, we discuss risk management practices for non-financial organizations that extend trade credit and institutions that…
  • Podcast Transcript

    March 2, 2021
    Welcome to episode one of our Risky Women Transformation series where Lucy Pearman talks change, innovation and what’s next in the world of governance, risk, and compliance. Listen to the episode on the Risky Women website here. Want To Learn More? Risky Women website Risk Transformation services
  • Whitepaper

    December 12, 2022
    Ask an executive from most any company anywhere across the globe what her biggest concern is for 2023 and she is likely to say “uncertainty” — notably, uncertainty about how geopolitical tensions, national elections and their aftermath, and economic conditions will affect the business as well as uncertainty about the company’s ability to adapt to the post- COVID work environment.
  • Survey

    February 14, 2023
    Responses to Selected Questions Received During Webinar – January 11, 2023 We received numerous questions during our January webinar on Executive Perspectives on Top Risks for 2023 & 2032. While we responded to some during the webinar, we were unable to cover all of them. We have selected a number of the unanswered questions that we believe to be of general interest and have included…
  • Survey

    March 27, 2023
    Beginning in 2020, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and several states provided temporary relief from the operational challenges of conducting on-site branch inspections during the pandemic, allowing firms to utilise technology to fulfill their inspection obligations remotely. Now, FINRA has proposed a voluntary, three-year remote…
  • Whitepaper

    December 19, 2023
    Discover crucial insights on compliance issues for financial institutions in 2024. From AI to ESG, navigate the evolving landscape with our comprehensive guide.