Insight Search Search Submit Sort by: Relevance Date Search Sort by RelevanceDate Order AscDesc Newsletter September 16, 2022 Advancing the Board’s Role in Digital Transformation Vorstände und ihre Unternehmen agieren in einer zunehmend digitalen Welt. Jeder Director sollte über ein ausreichendes digitales Verständnis verfügen, um sich an strategischen Gesprächen mit dem CEO, anderen Unternehmensleadern sowie Vorstandsmitgliedern beteiligen zu können Research Guide May 2, 2022 The Guide to Technology Modernisation and Transformation Helping Leaders with their Technology JourneyKey Considerations for Technology Modernisation and TransformationCIOs play a critical role in transforming the world of work using automation and technology – but they can’t do it alone. Collaboration among the C-suite is critical. This guide contains informative insights and practical tips that CIOs, CISOs, and other technology and C-suite leaders… Video July 28, 2023 Video | Digitale Transformation – Portrait Erwin de Man Erwin de Man, Managing Director bei Protiviti Deutschland, ist Experte für Digitale Transformation. Angesichts der ständigen Marktveränderungen ist die digitale Zukunft ein zentrales Thema, das Unternehmen vor viele Unsicherheiten stellt. Whitepaper July 4, 2017 Digitale Transformation - Spezialprüfung für die Interne Revision Sie möchten verstehen, wie gut Ihr Unternehmen für den digitalen Wandel gerüstet ist? Wir haben eine Analyse- und Bewertungsmethode entwickelt, die Ihnen in kurzer Zeit Klarheit zum Stand der Dinge gibt. Wir beleuchten Ihr Geschäftsmodell, die Organisation, die Systemunterstützung und die Kultur Ihres Hauses und liefern klare Handlungsempfehlungen. Praktikabel und verständlich, gleichzeitig… Newsletter November 16, 2020 Setting Sights on Digital Transformation and Innovation With the sudden onset of a worldwide pandemic, companies have had to accelerate their efforts to transform themselves digitally. How can boards and their companies best leverage digital transformation to compete and thrive in a brave new world? At a recent NACD Master Class programme for active directors, one session contrasted the expected churn in the S&P 500 today versus 50 years ago.*… Survey March 15, 2022 Assessing the Results of Protiviti's 2022 Next-Generation Internal Audit Survey Innovation and Transformation Are Driving the Future of Internal Auditing The past two years have seen unprecedented levels of innovation and transformation among organisations worldwide as they have pivoted and adapted in response to a historic global pandemic. Innovation and transformation are now mainstays in ensuring businesses stay relevant and competitive. This unquestionably is a mindset… Client Story September 13, 2023 Agility in Action: IT Transformation Fosters Business Alignment This project focused on the company’s efforts to modernize its IT organization and achieve greater alignment with its business partners as their business model evolved. The project included three key phases of support, starting with an initial IT strategy and target operating model definition, transitioning to enabling value stream-focused Lean portfolio management and then a deeper dive… Newsletter October 14, 2022 The Board’s Role in the Transformation of Work The pandemic has had a lasting effect on people and the workplace. Seven in 10 business leaders expect the market will be embracing a hybrid work model 10 years out, up from 22% pre-pandemic. What is the board’s role in this transition?The pandemic has transformed how, where, when and even why we work. It accelerated workplace redesign as offices closed, entire industries were upended and… Podcast Transcript May 24, 2021 Transcript | Risky Women - Regulatory Change Transformation Diane Minunni Callan In this episode of our Transformation Series on Risky Women Radio, Protiviti talks with Diane Minunni Callan, Head of Compliance – Enterprise Corporate Office, Regulatory Change & Academy of TD Bank about their ongoing development and enhancement of compliance programs and regulatory change management processes - from ESG to AI. Infographic June 26, 2024 Infographic | 2024 Top Risks for Innovation and Transformation Executives Innovation and transformation executives identified the biggest threats impacting their organisations in Protiviti’s 2024 Top Risks Survey. The executives’ perspectives on risks, listed below, reflect increasing concerns over emerging technologies, workforce challenges, limited growth opportunities, and customer loyalty. Load More