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  • Whitepaper

    May 1, 2022
    “To put it bluntly, will companies enact courageous ESG policies only when it does not hurt?…This is a moment of truth. Stakeholders have been increasingly mobilised to question the premises of companies’ professed ESG activities. All too frequently, corporations and their executives engage in marketing or obfuscation of what they’re actually doing — what could more accurately be called ‘ESG-…
  • Whitepaper

    June 29, 2020
    U.S. Edition | June 2020 Financial Crime Risks in the Current Climate The current economic and business climate is a new frontier for financial institutions seeking to navigate challenges posed by deteriorating market conditions, customer anxiety and the ever-watchful eyes of industry regulators. Concurrently, bad actors that pose an ongoing threat are also discovering new channels of…
  • November 21, 2022
    by Rich Cohen, Managing Director and Fractional In-house Counsel Today’s societal, investor and regulator expectations and the exponential advancement of data and technology are creating significant pressures, demands and opportunities for General Counsel (GC) and their legal departments. Increasingly, they are being called upon to do more, expanding their focus to areas that…
  • Whitepaper

    August 22, 2022
    Are your operations truly supporting your business strategy? If not, it’s time to assess and optimise the right processes in your organisation. Executive summary Consider if this scenario sounds familiar: Your organisation has expanded significantly over the past few years, increasing both its customer base and number of employees. The business strategy is driving a highly successful growth…
  • Newsletter

    October 18, 2021
    Informed organisations in all industries are establishing carbon emissions reduction and net-zero carbon emissions targets. Directors’ conversations on strategy have an important role in businesses’ energy transformations. Energy consumption is a priority. The introduction of renewables continues as costs decline. The percentage of electricity consumed through non-fossil fuel sources — solar,…
  • Flash Report

    December 30, 2020
    As the old saying goes, the best deals are made when neither side gets exactly what it wants. By that standard, the most recent federal pandemic relief bill that finally passed into law in late December certainly qualifies as a great deal. Democrats who for months had been seeking a bill in excess of $3 trillion were undoubtedly disappointed by the final price tag of slightly more than $900…
  • Podcast

    September 15, 2023
    In this episode, hosted by Protiviti Associate Director Alyse Mauro Mason, we focus on financial inclusion, defining financial inclusion and its impact, what it means for your business, and how to manage the risk of more inclusive credit and lending practices.Alyse’s guests are Tracie Anderson of TransUnion and Shelley Metz-Galloway of Protiviti.Tracie is Principal, Economic Inclusion Strategy, U…
  • Podcast Transcript

    September 15, 2023
    In this episode, hosted by Protiviti Associate Director Alyse Mauro Mason, we focus on financial inclusion, defining financial inclusion and its impact, what it means for your business, and how to manage the risk of more inclusive credit and lending practices.Alyse’s guests are Tracie Anderson of TransUnion and Shelley Metz-Galloway of Protiviti.Tracie is Principal, Economic Inclusion Strategy, U…
  • Newsletter

    April 15, 2022
    Every company is a technology company today. With business and technology inextricably intertwined, directors need to possess sufficient knowledge of technology issues to execute their duty of care responsibilities. Research indicates there is a financial performance payback from a technology-savvy board. An analysis of the boards of U.S.-listed companies determined that companies with boards of…
  • Newsletter

    April 17, 2020
    The global COVID-19 pandemic is a different experience from other catastrophic events like the September 11, 2001 attacks and the 2007-2008 global financial crisis. It is spawning new thinking in all quarters, especially in boardrooms. It’s been several weeks since coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) truly captured everyone’s attention across the globe. But with new developments almost hourly,…