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  • Whitepaper

    November 21, 2022
    We are in unusual economic times. While making predictions may be a fool’s errand, the aggressive posturing among central banks to fight runaway inflation implies that we will soon be — if not already are — in the late stage of the economic cycle. However, considering the past several months of mixed economic data, the outcome of the downturn and the developments that drive it are likely to look…
  • Whitepaper

    December 12, 2022
    Ask an executive from most any company anywhere across the globe what her biggest concern is for 2023 and she is likely to say “uncertainty” — notably, uncertainty about how geopolitical tensions, national elections and their aftermath, and economic conditions will affect the business as well as uncertainty about the company’s ability to adapt to the post- COVID work environment.
  • Whitepaper

    March 15, 2022
    An unprecedented wave of sanctions and export controls against Russia, and to a lesser extent Belarus, requires financial institutions from the West and other allied countries to take immediate steps to understand the impact of the complex requirements and ensure compliance.
  • Whitepaper

    March 22, 2022
    Financial institutions face significant legal, regulatory, operational and reputation risks related to their implementation of the Russian-Belarussian sanctions and the world events that have led to these sanctions. These risks have implications across the financial crime compliance programme and, more broadly, the entire organisation.Not all financial institutions will face the same challenges…
  • Flash Report

    March 26, 2020
    Ihre Herausforderung Unvorhersehbare Ereignisse und Krisen erfordern, dass Mitarbeiter nicht mehr physisch vor Ort an Firmenstandorten präsent sein können, sondern von zuhause aus arbeiten können. Daraus entstehen für die Unternehmen Herausforderungen im Bezug auf Mitarbeiter, Prozesse und Systeme, die kurz– und langfristig den Erfolg Ihres Unternehmens gefährden können. Unsere Lösung…
  • Survey

    December 5, 2022
    Supply chain problems are still lingering. Technology integration, still lagging. And companies still are lacking skilled workers to fill key roles as they contend with high interest rates and a possible recession. Surveying the technology, media and telecommunication (TMT) industry landscape, the results of Protiviti’s 2022 Global Finance Trends Survey are not necessarily surprising. Some…
  • Podcast

    February 21, 2021
    In this podcast, Protiviti Senior Managing Director Bob Hirth and Managing Director Chris Wright share their thoughts and insights about a number of ESG topics.
  • Podcast Transcript

    February 21, 2021
    In this podcast, Protiviti Senior Managing Director Bob Hirth and Managing Director Chris Wright share their thoughts and insights about a number of ESG topics.
  • Survey

    February 15, 2024
    Chief financial officers (CFOs) have a unique vantage point regarding talent management, one that explains why the ability to attract, develop and retain top talent represents their top risk concern in both 2024 and 2034.
  • Whitepaper

    January 31, 2024
    KYC hat 2023 in der Welt der Sanktionen an Bedeutung gewonnen und ist auch 2024 das Mantra für Sanktionspraktiker. Doch handelsbezogene Sanktionen werden nicht der einzige Schwerpunkt sein.