Insight Search Search Submit Sort by: Relevance Date Search Sort by RelevanceDate Order AscDesc Whitepaper August 10, 2020 Ihr Beratungspartner für die öffentliche Hand Nicht nur in Krisenzeiten bildet die staatliche Infrastruktur das Rückgrat und das Sicherheitsnetz für unserer Land und unsere Gesellschaft. Wie auch viele Unternehmen der Privatwirtschaft stehen öffentliche Institutionen vor großen Herausforderungen. Whitepaper November 26, 2024 Network and information security directive 2 (NIS2) The European Commission has revised the NIS Directive, expanding its scope to include numerous new sectors. This revision aims to enhance cybersecurity across the entire European region by unifying national laws with common minimum requirements. For many companies located within European Union (EU) Member States, as well as non-EU organisations that provide services within the EU, NIS2 represents… Whitepaper December 17, 2024 Network and Information Security Directive 2 (Nis-2) Einführung Umfassender Anforderungen an Informations- Und Cybersicherheit Für Wesentliche Oder Wichtige Unternehmen Im Europäischen RaumEinleitungIn ihrem Bestreben nach einem sicheren Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum ist die Europäische Kommission ermächtigt, regulatorische Vorgaben zu erlassen und die Mitgliedstaaten zur Umsetzung zu verpflichten. Diese Vorgaben sind häufig von neu entstandenen… Newsletter December 11, 2024 Managing Organisational Blind Spots and Disruption The topics of organisational blind spots and industry disruption continue to command interest in the boardroom. Recent events hosted by Protiviti offer additional insights on these important topics.In October, Protiviti hosted two events attended by more than 700 directors and senior-level executives to discuss organisational blind spots and industry disruption. Prior issues of Board Perspectives… Podcast Transcript March 28, 2023 Transcript | Future of Crypto Innovation and Regulation Over the past year, as one crypto organisation after another has been beset by fraud or declared bankruptcy, countless headlines have surfaced warning of the death of the crypto industry. Yet the damage has been largely contained. The developments have raised many questions about digital assets, cryptocurrency and blockchain technology as well as regulation and other factors that may help the… Survey April 6, 2023 Energy and Utilities Finance Trends Survey Infographic From automation and cloud to ESG and talent management, CFOs are reimagining their long-term roles. These are among the key takeaways from the results of Protiviti’s latest Global Finance Trends Survey.Download Infographic Podcast Transcript April 13, 2022 Transcript | Building Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains It should come as no surprise that, according to research from Protiviti, ESG metrics and measurement are among the top priorities for CFOs and finance teams to address, and a majority are substantially increasing the focus on and frequency of their ESG reporting. A key part of these efforts must be building sustainable operations and supply chains.But this only scratches the surface. Board… Podcast Transcript August 13, 2022 Transcript | Focusing on ESG Planning and Strategy ESG is a driving theme and priority for most organizations around the world today. And like any other key initiative within these organizations, whether it be global expansion or launching new product lines, there must be a plan and strategy for ESG programs and activities. cannot be approached as a side project. In this episode of Board Perspectives, we speak with Protiviti's Ellen Holder and… In Focus July 9, 2024 US Supreme Court reshapes the regulatory landscape Over the course of a few days before the end of its summer session, the U.S. Supreme Court issued three decisions that reshaped the regulatory landscape in the United States. Two of the decisions (SEC v. Jarkesy and Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo) shift the balance of power from the executive to the judicial branch of government and the third (Corner Post, Inc. v. Board of Governors)… Research Guide May 2, 2022 The Guide to Technology Modernisation and Transformation Helping Leaders with their Technology JourneyKey Considerations for Technology Modernisation and TransformationCIOs play a critical role in transforming the world of work using automation and technology – but they can’t do it alone. Collaboration among the C-suite is critical. This guide contains informative insights and practical tips that CIOs, CISOs, and other technology and C-suite leaders… Load More