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  • Client Story

    March 31, 2021
    Effecting transformational change on a global scale is challenging for any organisation, in any environment. It is an even tougher hill to climb during a global pandemic. Yet, this didn’t stop one organisation, a worldwide leader in providing cleaner, softer water through innovative, sustainable solutions, from successfully pursuing a major global finance and IT transformation in 2020.
  • Client Story

    March 17, 2021
    The impending retirements of two key executives would constitute a significant disruption for any enterprise. It’s even more disruptive when the business’s legacy customer relationship management (CRM) system was home-built by the departing CIO, and other legacy systems split customer data into separate collections. Under such circumstances, a few agile interventions might be called for. As with…
  • Insights paper

    March 15, 2024
    A shift in mindset to a strategic sourcing strategy anticipates and mitigates supply chain risk while improving resilience and responsiveness, still aiming to reduce total cost of ownership.
  • Research Guide

    March 11, 2024
    Nachhaltigkeit ist nach wie vor mit Herausforderungen und Chancen für Unternehmen verbunden. Zur Unterstützung hat Protiviti einen Leitfaden mit häufig gestellten Fragen erstellt.
  • Whitepaper

    May 10, 2024
    Alle vor 2020 gemachten Vorhersagen über die Zukunft der Arbeit haben sich mit COVID-19, der Inflation und den sozialen Bewegungen der letzten zwei Jahre geändert. Die Workforce des Jahres 2030 sieht ganz anders aus als zuvor erwartet.
  • Survey

    November 6, 2023
    Environmental, social and governance (ESG) metrics and measurement rate as the top priority for CFOs, other finance leaders and their teams for the next 12 months, according to our latest Global Finance Trends Survey. Three out of five organisations (60%) report a substantial increase in the focus and frequency of their reporting related to ESG issues in the past year (on top of similar findings…
  • Client Story

    February 28, 2024
    Protiviti unterstützte unseren Kunden durch Festlegung von Zielvorgaben, Bereitstellung einer Lösung zur Erfassung von Lieferantendaten und zur Verfolgung der Zielerreichung bei Diversitäts -und Nachhaltigkeitzielen.
  • Survey

    April 5, 2023
    When assessing the top risk issues organisations will face this year as well as over the next decade, one key theme stands out: People and culture are at the top of the agenda.The 11th annual Executive Perspectives on Top Risks Survey, conducted by Protiviti and NC State University’s ERM Initiative, reveals the top risks on the minds of global boards of directors and executives in 2023 and over…
  • Podcast

    April 26, 2023
    One of the most significant decisions a CFO faces is selecting the right technology or tool to help them run the finance organisation and deliver expected results and value for the business. But technology selection is only the first step. There also is implementation, a just as important stage that can make or break the success of the technology and its effectiveness in the eyes of stakeholders…
  • Survey

    February 15, 2024
    Chief financial officers (CFOs) have a unique vantage point regarding talent management, one that explains why the ability to attract, develop and retain top talent represents their top risk concern in both 2024 and 2034.