Insight Search Search Submit Sort by: Relevance Date Search Sort by RelevanceDate Order AscDesc Newsletter December 13, 2023 Blind Spots in the Boardroom A look back at business failures often reveals blind spots that either concealed a dysfunctional culture or led to a lack of understanding, strategic error or missed opportunities. Is the board aware of the organisation’s blind spots, and is it addressing them?We’ve all heard the adage that what we don’t know can be more damaging to reputation, brand image, market standing and competitive… Newsletter March 15, 2022 Framing the Data Privacy Discussion in the Boardroom Data proliferation and data privacy regulatory activity across the globe have created the need for focused boardroom discussions. While cybersecurity continues to be an issue for boards, a more targeted focus on data privacy is increasingly necessary to ensure compliance across a rapidly expanding number of privacy regulations. Privacy risk represents a unique challenge driven by the volume and… Newsletter April 8, 2024 A Call to Action for Boards Die von Protiviti, BoardProspects und Broadridge durchgeführte erste Global Board Governance Survey fasst über 1.000 globale Ansichten von Direktoren und C-Suite-Führungskräften über die Rolle und Effektivität des Vorstands zusammen. Newsletter July 10, 2020 Is Your Board Digitally Savvy? As global markets continue to address the COVID-19 pandemic, practical digital know-how is becoming more than a desirable attribute that directors aspire to embrace. A compelling study asserts that companies could be falling behind if they lack a digitally savvy board. Boards and business leaders are well aware of the digital revolution taking place across the globe and how digital leaders were… Newsletter April 15, 2022 Ensuring Technology Fluency in the Boardroom Every company is a technology company today. With business and technology inextricably intertwined, directors need to possess sufficient knowledge of technology issues to execute their duty of care responsibilities. Research indicates there is a financial performance payback from a technology-savvy board. An analysis of the boards of U.S.-listed companies determined that companies with boards of… Newsletter August 15, 2022 Improving Board Performance in Disruptive Times The 2020s are well on their way to earning the ominous label of a troubling, disruptive decade, but there remain viable opportunities amid the challenges. What is the board’s role in preparing the organisation for “show-stopping” and potentially existential risks? The Story: A global board survey conducted by McKinsey of approximately 1,500 corporate directors found that directors “are not… Newsletter October 9, 2024 Board Risk Reporting in Disruptive Times Risk reporting to the board may not be fit for purpose in these uncertain times. Directors are trending toward expecting more dialogue, engagement and forward-looking insights based on relevant data and information. A principled approach would help.Boards and their companies face a constant and seemingly unending state of flux in the marketplace. Emergence of the unexpected is the norm. For… Newsletter May 13, 2021 Quantum Computing: Why The Board Should Care there is a growing interest across the world in the feasibility of quantum computing and when it will finally become a reality in business. and that’s for good reason. quantum would enable problem-solving capabilities to address simulations and complicated optimisation questions involving a formidable number of variables and potential outcomes at amazing speeds not attainable with conventional… Newsletter June 12, 2024 21st-Century Board Oversight of Talent Acute talent shortages across numerous industries underscore the risks emanating from outdated, reactionary approaches to managing people, succession and culture. The question arises, what is the board’s role in forging a 21st-century approach to managing talent?Changing times have led to fleeting employee loyalty, as talented individuals have more options than ever before with greater… Newsletter April 17, 2020 COVID-19: Paradigm Shift in the Boardroom The global COVID-19 pandemic is a different experience from other catastrophic events like the September 11, 2001 attacks and the 2007-2008 global financial crisis. It is spawning new thinking in all quarters, especially in boardrooms. It’s been several weeks since coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) truly captured everyone’s attention across the globe. But with new developments almost hourly,… Load More