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  • Whitepaper
    October 16, 2023
    Can financial institutions manage effectively in a world where issues and breaches are known to regulators before the chief compliance officer or anyone else in the organisation even learns about them?
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  • Leadership
    Francesco Monini è Managing Director presso l’ufficio Protiviti di Milano. In Protiviti Italia dal 2005, ha maturato la propria esperienza professionale nell’ambito della progettazione dei sistemi di controllo manageriale e del Risk Control. Prima di entrare a far parte di Protiviti, Francesco ha seguito progetti di Risk Management presso la Pubblica Amministrazione prima e…
  • Newsletter
    May 8, 2024
    Important questions and activities prior to an acquisition are also germane after the deal is completed. This supplement to the issue of Board Perspectives discussed above provides a post-acquisition agenda.The intention of this supplement: Our supplement focuses on key questions related to the key areas introduced and discussed in Issue 175 of Board Perspectives to help directors continue their…
  • Whitepaper
    November 21, 2022
    We are in unusual economic times. While making predictions may be a fool’s errand, the aggressive posturing among central banks to fight runaway inflation implies that we will soon be — if not already are — in the late stage of the economic cycle. However, considering the past several months of mixed economic data, the outcome of the downturn and the developments that drive it are likely to look…
  • Newsletter
    June 21, 2024
    Can financial institutions manage effectively in a world where issues and breaches are known to regulators before the chief compliance officer or anyone else in the organization even learns about them? Are Compliance departments — and the institutions they serve — prepared to keep pace with the regulators’ efforts to develop data-driven insights? Or will they find themselves continually on the…
  • Leadership
    Dame Inga Beale served as Chief Executive Officer for Lloyd’s of London from 2014-2018, where she oversaw a major digital and cultural transformation and expansion into new markets, including China, Dubai and India. Prior to joining Lloyd’s, Dame Inga held a variety of international leadership positions for GE Insurance Solutions, before becoming Group CEO of Swiss reinsurer Converium. She was…
  • Podcast
    June 26, 2024
    Error correction typically involves a lot of physical qubits and using them to create one logical qubit. Ratios vary by modality and approach, so getting a single fault-tolerant qubit may take seven to a thousand physical ones. What if there was a way to correct most of the errors that appear on each qubit instead? Scaling up from there would certainly be much easier, getting us to machines that…
  • Client Story
    March 30, 2022
    Faced with the technical, compliance and data security challenges of launching Microsoft 365 across their global enterprise, a large financial services and investment institution needed to successfully deploy Microsoft 365 to its 30,000 employees while ensuring governance, compliance and data security. Because of the size and complexity of their firm, the financial institution had concerns with…