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  • Flash Report

    August 7, 2020
    Identifying and Recovering Excessive Billings From Landlords Issue Is your landlord complying with the financial aspects of your lease? Commercial leases are often structured to include ambiguous and complex cost terminology aligning with the landlord’s financial interest. On top of a base rent payment, these leases often include subsequent expenses that vary year to year, such as common area…
  • Client Story

    May 26, 2023
    A leading global property and casualty insurance provider set out to transform its risk controls as part of an ongoing effort to promote a culture of excellence. Siloed knowledge of operational risk and controls made it difficult for the organisation to improve quality and compliance. Establishing awareness of vulnerabilities and mitigation protocols across the organisation would boost regulatory…
  • Newsletter

    January 10, 2024
    Conducted in partnership with the NC State ERM Initiative, our global survey of C-level executives and directors highlights the influence of economic headwinds, talent issues, emerging technologies, cyber threats and geopolitical events on the 2024 risk landscape. This issue of Board Perspectives discusses the 10 highest-rated risk themes noted in the survey to provide a context for understanding…
  • Newsletter

    April 25, 2022
    Portées par le contexte international, et avec un double objectif de lutte contre la fraude à la TVA et de digitalisation de l'économie, les réglementations européennes et françaises en matière de facturation ont considérablement évolué ces dernières années. En France, cela s'est traduit par une série de lois et d'ordonnances définissant d'abord les conditions de validité d'une facture…
  • Whitepaper

    March 7, 2017
    La loi relative à la transparence, à la lutte contre la corruption, et à la modernisation de la vie économique a été adoptée par le Parlement le 8 novembre 2016 à l’issue d’une procédure accélérée.  Nous analysons dans ce point de vue le volet de loi concernant la prévention et la détection des faits de corruption, et plus particulièrement les enjeux et conséquences liés la mise en œuvre des…
  • Video

    December 22, 2021
    Michael Brauneis, Financial Services Industry Lead and Managing Director, Protiviti, sits down with Joe Seidel, Chief Operating Officer of SIFMA, to explore climate stress testing for banks. Executive Viewpoints is a special series from SIFMA's 2021 Annual Meeting featuring insightful conversations about the trends and innovations shaping our capital markets. Watch them all at
  • Newsletter

    December 9, 2022
    As in prior years, our suggested 2023 audit committee agenda includes important enterprise, process and technology issues and financial reporting and disclosure issues. In addition to discussing these agenda items, we have offered questions for audit committees to consider when self-assessing their own performance with respect to executing the normal ongoing activities articulated in the…
  • Newsletter

    August 15, 2022
    The 2020s are well on their way to earning the ominous label of a troubling, disruptive decade, but there remain viable opportunities amid the challenges. What is the board’s role in preparing the organisation for “show-stopping” and potentially existential risks? The Story: A global board survey conducted by McKinsey of approximately 1,500 corporate directors found that directors “are not…
  • Newsletter

    April 24, 2018
    Le renforcement des nouvelles obligations règlementaires françaises et européennes (Loi Sapin 2, Devoir de vigilance, RGPD) impulse une nouvelle dynamique au sein des Directions Conformité. Cette dynamique, conjuguée au projet de loi relatif à la violation des embargos (texte n°349 transmis au Sénat le 28/01/2016) et à la pression des institutions financières en la matière, offre une occasion…
  • Whitepaper

    March 28, 2019
    A l’issue de son enquête annuelle sur l’audit interne « Pulse of Internal Audit 2018», l’IIA a conclu que l’audit interne, tel que pratiqué actuellement, ne répondait pas efficacement aux nouvelles exigences engendrées par les turbulences et les rapides transformations qui caractérisent son environnement, et n’est pas en mesure de satisfaire les exigences des parties prenantes.