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  • Whitepaper
    June 22, 2023
  • Solution and Industry
    We help you energise your business by supporting your people. HR should not stand alone as a function. Rather, it should work across the organisation to drive business results, engagement, and innovation.  We help organisations build an efficient HR operating model and delivery team where people and technology work as one.  Backed by industry expertise, we assist with every stage of the…
  • Solution and Industry
    As many as 1 trillion connected devices will exist by 2025. Everything is connected, from consumer electronics and home appliances to medical devices and industrial equipment. Deploying, securing, and maintaining these connected devices is complex and requires many different capabilities and technologies throughout a single device lifecycle.Protiviti’s end-to-end IoT services address this complex…
  • Solution and Industry
  • We help organisations understand relevant jurisdictions and obligations, assess needs, implement appropriate compliance measures and safeguards and respond to new and changing privacy regulations. With the meteoric rise of data proliferation worldwide, new privacy laws have been passed globally, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union (EU), the Brazilian…
  • Whitepaper
    October 31, 2022
    《数据出境安全评估申报指南(第一版)》(简称《申报指南》)的出台,对数据出境安全评估申报方式、申报流程、申报材料等方面做出了具体说明,这对于企业来说无疑是一场“及时雨”。为了可以从工作实践的角度帮助企业更高效地理解文件要义,甫瀚咨询通过本期专业视角,从六个问题着手,对《申报指南》最为重点和最需要提请关注的内容予以解读。问题一:《数据出境安全评估申报指南》发布背景是什么?我国网络安全与数据安全三大基础法律《网络安全法》《数据安全法》《个人信息保护法》均对数据出境提出了相关监管要求,要求符合一定条件的数据处理者在向境外提供个人信息或重要数据时需要通过国家网信办的数据出境安全评估。2022 年7 月7 日,国家网信办发布了《数据出境安全评估办法》(简称《评估办法》),落实了数据出境安全评估的具体规定,该《评估办法》已于2022 年9 月1 日起正式生效。企业应按照《评估办法》要求,…
  • Whitepaper
    September 12, 2022
  • Flash Report
    August 14, 2024
    凡得科技与甫瀚咨询宣布达成战略合作,双方将携手探索流程挖掘在各领域的应用场景,助力企业解锁运营潜能,实现精细化管理。目前双方已联合打造了一款App——卓越控制应用 ,致力于为企业的内控内审工作赋能。
  • Protiviti aligns change with your organisation’s strategy, and we understand that people must change their behaviors for organisations to realise the full return on their investments.We assist in creating team engagement, accountability, and adoption of the future state. We make it clear how the change will make a difference for your company and how your people play a role in the impact.  …
  • Solution and Industry
    Using analytics to uncover insights from data is crucial for fact-based decision making. No matter your analytics initiative, we can show you how to create meaningful dashboards and reports to not only communicate information more clearly, but to identify, define, plan, deliver and track your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Our end-to-end services take you from design through development and…