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  • Data is changing the way we do business across all industries. Organisations are harnessing the power of data to improve processes, drive new business opportunities, and increase competitive advantage.  We provide services to design, source, transform and analyse data to empower your business to become an analytics-driven organisation. Delivering a combination of strategic vision, proven…
  • Solution and Industry
    甫瀚咨询通过风险洞察、监管合规、良好控制等方式,提供领先技术支持,帮助资产管理公司卓有成效地发展。 众所周知,未来风险具有不确定性,因此,C级高管和董事会对未来新出现的问题做出预测就变得尤为重要。企业应着重建立以信任为基础的弹性文化,从而能够在瞬息万变的环境下应对不断变化的优先事项。 甫瀚咨询凭借能够为金融机构提供切实可行的解决方案而广受赞誉,我们的解决方案体现了企业在成功应对挫折时所需的五大特征:人性化、灵活性、智能化、创新性和模块化。我们所组建的一体化团队由具备专业技能和流程经验的人员组成,帮助企业高管开发务实的、可转型的、且具有风险洞察的解决方案,以令您可以游刃有余地应对新挑战,抓住符合核心价值的结构转型机遇,确保企业未来的持续发展。 甫瀚咨询与母公司——全球首家大型专业人才解决方案公司罗致恒富(Robert Half)合作,将我们深厚的专业咨询知识与Robert…
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  • Solution and Industry
    我们提供独特而灵活的交付模式,帮助您解决短期技能差距,交付项目成果,并通过创建合适的团队,迅速而高效地扩充或缩减规模以满足您的需求,助力您实现企业转型。 当您需要深厚的专业知识和量身定制的咨询方案时,您会选择甫瀚咨询。那么,当您需要关键或稀缺的技能;寻觅能够帮助您实施正确技术的外力;优化财务和会计解决方案;或者寻找合适的合作伙伴来建立一个项目团队或外包业务职能时,您要何去何从?答案是您依然可以选择甫瀚咨询。
  • Leadership
    Susan Haseley is a Protiviti Executive Vice President and leader of the firm’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative. Haseley has more than 30 years of experience in providing risk and technology consulting and internal audit services. She has been with the firm since its inception in 2002 and continues to serve as Protiviti’s Dallas market leader.Prior to joining Protiviti, Haseley spent…
  • Solution and Industry
    Every organisation is different and for that reason, a one size fits all approach should not be applied to your third-party risk management (TPRM) program. Protiviti delivers third-party risk management (TPRM) solutions that are embedded into day-to-day business functions while aligning to industry and regulatory expectations. We identify cost savings, create efficiencies in processes, and…
  • Solution and Industry
    甫瀚咨询帮助运输与物流企业在日新月异的世界中运营并实现创新解决方案。 在当前日新月异的环境中,运输与物流企业正在转变他们的运作方式以保持竞争力。作为值得信赖的顾问,甫瀚咨询不仅能提供相关行业洞见,还能基于战略的眼光,将成熟的专业知识和实践经验相结合,以提升您的业务价值。我们的行业咨询专家可就相关领域为您的企业提供量身定制的解决方案。 
  • Companies have an urgent need to minimise the frequency and cost of data breaches. Cyber incidents are growing ever more likely, and costs are soaring. The current cybersecurity talent gap only adds to the challenges.Protiviti’s managed security services puts the best people, processes, and technologies at your fingertips.We understand the challenges of cybersecurity. The attack landscape is…
  • Leadership
    Scott Redfearn is responsible for all facets of human resources and talent management in Protiviti. He ensures delivery on our promises to our people while leading strategic programs to build a more effective organization, improve Protiviti’s workforce and leadership capabilities, and strengthen employee engagement. Prior to joining Protiviti in 2007, Redfearn was a senior executive in human…
  • Solution and Industry
    Organisations are almost universally reevaluating their enterprise applications and platforms to stay relevant and succeed in this digital era. Protiviti’s enterprise application services provide expertise to help organisations select, design, implement, maintain, and protect applications to complete the journey to business transformation. We leverage the principles of design thinking and…