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  • Video
    August 3, 2023
    Where is your organisation focusing its investments when it comes to technology and future discretionary spend? Learn from Amanda Downs, Managing Director, how digitising the physical and creating new lines of business are helping organisations differentiate from their competitors and transform their businesses.
  • Whitepaper
    November 27, 2023
    The “Observatory 231” was born from the need to update on the most current issues relating to Legislative Decree 231/2001.
  • Whitepaper
    February 2, 2022
    L’“Osservatorio 231” nasce dall’esigenza di aggiornamento sui temi più attuali relativi al D.Lgs. 231/2001.Si suddivide in 3 macro aree:Evoluzioni legislative rilevanti, quali nuovi illeciti presupposto, proposte di riforma o disegni di leggePronunce giurisprudenziali di maggior rilievo relative alla responsabilità amministrativa degli enti o alle fattispecie rilevanti ai sensi del…
  • Whitepaper
    July 13, 2023
    In today’s complex healthcare environment, hospitals and health systems and other provider organizations have little room for error within the revenue cycle. Faced with tight margins, growing labor and supply costs, and volatile markets, every dollar counts. Revenue integrity ensures all patient encounters are accurately converted into revenue in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
  • In Focus
    August 28, 2024
    Earlier this month, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) approved three post-quantum cryptography (PQC) standards that constitute the first significant steps towards protecting critical services from quantum computers being used to break the encryption of sensitive and classified information for both business and government.
  • Solution and Industry
    Da sempre pensiamo alla compliance come un insieme di valori a cui ispirare e improntare il business, valori a tutela di una pluralità di stakeholder in contesti economici e finanziari già di per sé complessi.Crediamo che la Compliance possa creare valore quanto più raggiunga soluzioni di equilibrio fra obiettivi di business e fattori regolamentari, questi ultimi elaborabili come opportunità per…
  • Andrew is Protiviti’s Global Leader of Internal Audit & Financial Advisory services. He is responsible for the strategy, offerings, consulting delivery and external alliance partnerships for all Protiviti's internal audit capabilities, including technology audit, audit innovation & transformation, strategy & technology enablement, and SOX and controls advisory services.  With…
  • Newsletter
    July 26, 2024
    Welcome to July issue of Technology Insights. Explore new webinars, videos, blogs, podcasts and much more.
  • Whitepaper
    July 23, 2024
    Hospital Price Transparency Rule - CMS has finalized new changes to increase standardization of the machine-readable files (MRF) to help deliver on the promise of hospital price transparency. Ensure that your hospital complies to enhance the public’s ability to access and aggregate information and streamline CMS’s ability to enforce the requirements. 
  • Newsletter
    July 23, 2024
    A seamless S/4HANA journey: From Solution Design to Data & Analytics, and ensuring Security & Compliance - we have you covered!