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  • Stai completando gli studi o li hai completati da poco e stai cercando un’opportunità professionale in un contesto internazionale? In Protiviti saremo attenti a coltivare la tua professionalità fin dalle prime battute della tua carriera, permettendoti di acquisire esperienze preziose fin dal primo giorno. Ecco una rapida panoramica su come si articola il nostro processo di reclutamento e cosa…
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  • Solution and Industry
    Protiviti aiuta i propri Clienti nell’adozione delle migliori strategie e architetture tecnologiche per la gestione delle attività e dei rischi di cyber security, privacy e data protection, fornendo soluzioni innovative per ridurre l’esposizione agli stessi. Sfruttiamo nuove metodologie e tecnologie innovative e, aiutando le organizzazioni nella propria trasformazione digitale, ottimizzando…
  • Collection
    Cyber resilience is an organisation’s ability to detect, prevent, respond, recover and learn from cybersecurity disruptions.  Our cybersecurity collection explores common issues,  trends and what organisations must do to prepare proactive and reactive solutions to and keep your assets safe.
  • Protiviti aiuta le organizzazioni a valutare la propria cybersecurity e i rischi di data protection, fornendo soluzioni innovative per ridurre l’esposizione. Definiamo per i nostri clienti le migliori strategie, le azioni da adottare e le architetture tecnologiche di protezione.Protiviti supporta i clienti nella valutazione dei rischi cyber e fornisce una roadmap che massimizzi il ritorno degli…
  • Solution and Industry
    Protiviti affianca da tempo i propri Clienti nella definizione, implementazione, monitoraggio e miglioramento continuo dei processi, delle procedure e dei controlli necessari a prevenire ovvero mitigare i rischi connessi al mancato rispetto delle norme e dei regolamenti applicabili. Protiviti può supportarti a valutare e migliorare la qualità degli strumenti, delle tecnologie e delle competenze…
  • Podcast Transcript
    October 5, 2022
    In coding, libraries make developers’ lives easier, sparing them thousands of lines of code, while also increasing performance and security. And everyone’s concerned with security as fault-tolerant quantum computing approaches. Geometry Labs has released the “lattice-algebra” library to bring a high-performance cryptographic library to developers interested in using post-quantum cryptography in…
  • Podcast Transcript
    December 15, 2021
    Crypto agility measures how well your company can adapt to new cryptographic primitives and algorithms without making disruptive changes. Every company will need to achieve this bragging right as soon as possible to avoid the coming quantum computing cryptographic apocalypse. This includes a combination of auditing where you are on the journey and then actually taking action. During this podcast…
  • Podcast Transcript
    January 12, 2022
    We’re currently in the quantum economy 2.0. What was 1.0? We discuss this with someone who spent over two decades at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and who now consults with companies on a range of policy issues relating to the quantum economy. We also explore the business outlook for various quantum computing and sensing technologies. Join host Konstantinos Karagiannis…
  • Podcast Transcript
    January 26, 2022
    Nearly US$1 billion in funding poured into the quantum computing industry last year. One company, PsiQuantum, received about half of that! What are they building? Nothing less than a photonic quantum computer with a million qubits. How does this machine compare to trapped ion and transmon approaches from the competition? And, more importantly, how soon could this quantum computing behemoth be…