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  • Solution and Industry
    Con l'aumento degli investimenti per difendersi dalle minacce informatiche sono necessarie valutazioni efficaci, anche dal punto di vista finanziario, per sostenere il processo decisionale e rispondere a domande come: "Quali sono le potenziali perdite finanziarie legate al rischio cyber?”, "La mia organizzazione ha necessità di un’assicurazione per il rischio cyber?”, "Quali rischi dovrebbero…
  • Solution and Industry
    Protiviti aiuta a conseguire la conformità alle normative privacy supportando i clienti nelle attività di discovery, mappatura e identificazione dei dati personali trattati e individuando i rischi più rilevanti per l’azienda. Quali solo i trattamenti di dati personali che possono determinare un rischio per la protezione dei dati? Come è possibile rispettare gli obblighi normativi privacy? L’…
  • Infographic
    July 30, 2024
    An illustration of the evolution of the internal audit profession following the passage of the COSO Internal Control – Integrated Framework more than 30 years ago, and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act over two decades ago.
  • Le aziende hanno un urgente bisogno di ridurre al minimo la frequenza e il costo delle violazioni di dati o di blocco dei servizi: gli incidenti informatici sono sempre più probabili e i costi aumentano. L'attuale carenza di personale specializzato sui temi di cybersecurity non fa che accrescere le sfide già presenti.I servizi di Security Operations di Protiviti mettono le migliori persone,…
  • Whitepaper
    September 22, 2022
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful technology that’s driving innovation, boosting performance, and improving decision-making and risk management across enterprises. It’s also turning data into the key driver of competitive advantage. Over the next two years, organisations across all industries plan to deploy or increase their use of artificial intelligence, according to a recent global…
  • Whitepaper
    September 22, 2023
    The adoption of advanced analytical tools and emerging technologies such as AI and ML has continued to gain enterprise adoption across compliance solutions within the financial services industry.
  • Video
    November 1, 2023
    A financial institution needed to effectively assign its relationship managers to optimise service, balance resource workloads and maximise revenue. We helped them develop a graph data structure and algorithms in the Microsoft Azure environment to organise and analyse nested banking customer relationships.This reduced daily data processing time by nearly 96% and automated more than 90% of client…
  • Video
    August 3, 2023
    IoT devices bring great benefits, but also pose tremendous risks to the business — from both a business perspective and a security perspective — especially when not managed correctly. Scott Laliberte, Managing Director, explains how we help bridge the gap between technology and business leaders to transform their technology and reap the benefits-- everything from building secure IoT devices that…
  • Video
    August 3, 2023
    Vijan Patel, Managing Director, discusses the key questions leaders utilising SAP should be asking themselves and the future of this powerful technology. Learn about Protiviti's SAP Consulting Services and how to maximise the value of your SAP investment.
  • Partner
    Trintech Inc., a pioneer of Financial Corporate Performance Management (FCPM) software, combines unmatched technical and financial expertise to create innovative, cloud-based software solutions that deliver world-class financial close operations and insights. From high volume transaction matching and streamlining daily operational reconciliations to automating and managing balance sheet…