Protiviti to Host January 10 Webinar: “Digital Transformation ‑ Is Internal Audit Ready?”

Technology and audit experts to discuss internal audit’s role in digital transformation and the digital assessment process

MENLO PARK, CA – January 3, 2018


Global consulting firm Protiviti ( will host a one-hour complimentary webinar about internal audit’s readiness to evaluate digital transformation initiatives. A forward-looking audit function should provide insight, oversight and foresight around current and future risks and controls related to the changing digital world. Because of this, internal audit must form an opinion on how effectively risks surrounding digitalisation are being managed.

Webinar topics will include:

  • The four elements of true digital transformation
  • Emerging technologies enabling change and their impact on user expectations
  • How digitalisation is affecting the audit plan
  • The skills internal auditors will need to provide proper oversight
  • Protiviti’s digital maturity model and the next generation of internal audit
  • One CPE credit will be provided to eligible attendees of the live webinar.

Protiviti’s Executive Perspectives on Top Risks in 2018 is an additional resource for internal auditors and addresses the rapid speed of disruptive innovations and new technologies, as well as resistance to change.



Featured speakers from Protiviti’s Technology Consulting and Internal Audit and Financial Advisory practices:

  • Managing Director Jonathan Wyatt
  • Managing Director Andrew Struthers-Kennedy
  • Managing Director Jeff Tecau
  • Director Christine Fitzgerald



Date: Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Time: 9 a.m. PST/11 a.m. CST/Noon EST


Chi è Protiviti

Protiviti è un Gruppo multinazionale di consulenza direzionale, leader nell’analisi e progettazione di modelli di Risk Management, Organizzazione, Compliance e Controllo; supporta le aziende nell’identificazione dei rischi e nella definizione delle migliori strategie di gestione, governo e controllo.
In Italia, Protiviti opera nelle sedi di Milano, Torino e Roma e conta circa 200 professionisti.
Protiviti è un network caratterizzato da una presenza internazionale di rilievo con oltre 80 uffici negli Stati Uniti, Canada, Sud America, Europa, Asia e Australia e oltre 4.600 persone. La base Clienti include oltre il 60% delle imprese del Fortune 1000 e il 35% delle Global 500. Obiettivo di Protiviti è la diffusione di una cultura aziendale finalizzata ad allineare i processi, i sistemi informativi e l’organizzazione alle migliori prassi internazionali.
Protiviti fa parte del Gruppo Robert Half (RH), quotato al NYSE e appartenente all’indice S&P 500.
