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  • Podcast

    May 15, 2024
    The phrase “quantum internet” gets tossed around a lot, usually as a placeholder for something that will fix many nonspecific issues in the future. The core concept of quantum networking is a real thing, though, and is more robust today than you might think. How does it work? How fast is it? And is it really running in the Big Apple? Join Host Konstantinos Karagiannis for a chat with Noel Goddard…
  • Podcast

    March 22, 2023
    Is your organisation post-quantum ready? NIST’s finalists for PQC ciphers are expected in 2024, and time is running out to prepare for their implementation. Regulators will force this migration long before quantum computing hardware actually cracks encryption. The path to being ready for post-quantum cryptography will require assessing your organisation’s crypto agility, and will certainly…
  • Podcast Transcript

    April 21, 2023
    Is your organisation post-quantum ready? NIST’s finalists for PQC ciphers are expected in 2024, and time is running out to prepare for their implementation. Regulators will force this migration long before quantum computing hardware actually cracks encryption. The path to being ready for post-quantum cryptography will require assessing your organisation’s crypto agility, and will certainly…
  • Podcast

    May 10, 2023
    Remember the old days when war rooms were inundated with document boxes stacked high to the ceiling? Fast forward to today and legal departments are capitalising on technology as they become stronger centers of excellence within their organisations. Join podcast host Managing Director Chad Volkert, in the first episode of our new legal podcast series, featuring Debbie Hoffman, founder and CEO of…
  • Podcast Transcript

    September 8, 2021
    Classical computing cannot simulate more than about 50 qubits. What does it mean that we now have a quantum computer with, gasp, 100 qubits? ColdQuanta found a way to beat giants like IBM to this amazing feat, and they did it with a new approach that may lead to smaller quantum computing systems that could be rack-mountable one day. Like a reverse microwave, the new Hilbert computer uses lasers…
  • Podcast

    September 8, 2021
    Classical computing cannot simulate more than about 50 qubits. What does it mean that we now have a quantum computer with, gasp, 100 qubits? ColdQuanta found a way to beat giants like IBM to this amazing feat, and they did it with a new approach that may lead to smaller quantum computing systems that could be rack-mountable one day. Like a reverse microwave, the new Hilbert computer uses lasers…
  • Podcast

    October 20, 2021
    Compared to a couple years ago, we’re spoiled by how many real quantum computers we can access online today. Some systems are available through multi-hardware cloud sites like Microsoft Azure Quantum and Amazon Braket; some through individual system manufacturer’s own sites. As more machines come online, and more businesses compete for quantum compute time, things are starting to get a little…
  • Whitepaper

    March 19, 2021
    Sono trascorsi quasi 20 anni da quando, l’8 giugno 2001, è stato emanato il D.Lgs. n. 231. È arrivato il momento di chiedersi cosa ha comportato il Decreto per gli enti e quali ulteriori cambiamenti si profilano all’orizzonte, in un sistema economico sempre più interconnesso e digitalizzato. Il 9 marzo, durante la 3° tappa, sono intervenuti: Piero Boccassino - Chief Compliance…
  • Podcast Transcript

    October 20, 2021
    Compared to a couple years ago, we’re spoiled by how many real quantum computers we can access online today. Some systems are available through multi-hardware cloud sites like Microsoft Azure Quantum and Amazon Braket; some through individual system manufacturer’s own sites. As more machines come online, and more businesses compete for quantum compute time, things are starting to get a little…
  • Newsletter

    July 29, 2019
    Con ServiceNow proponiamo un linguaggio comune: un’infrastruttura di tecnologie e servizi consulenziali capace di semplificare e rendere più fluida l’interazione di tutta l’organizzazione. La competizione nell’ecosistema digitale ha molteplici fronti, l’intelligenza artificiale ne aggiungerà molti altri, per il momento non completamente immaginabili. Quello che abbiamo visto in questi anni…