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  • Flash Report

    March 16, 2022
    Last month, Protiviti issued two Flash Reports on the crisis in Ukraine. The first[1] addressed Vladimir Putin’s recognition of two Ukrainian regions as “independent people’s republics,” deployment of “peacekeeping forces,” and demands that Ukraine disarm and negotiate the sovereignty of the two separatist regions; the West’s initial wave of sanctions as a proportionate response to Putin’s…
  • Whitepaper

    April 22, 2020
    What happens to your finance organisation – specifically, the critical processes, activities, reporting and deadlines for which you’re responsible – when your team is suddenly unavailable, unable to work in the office or remotely? Such situations have unfolded with blinding speed during the COVID-19 global pandemic. However, they can just as easily result from other potential emergencies that…
  • Client Story

    April 18, 2024
    This company is a leader in the supply of after-sale services to the world’s engine and compressor markets and is trusted by nuclear power plants, the U.S. military and both public and private electricity generators around the globe. With the EPA’s recently announced Good Neighbor Plan in mind, the client needed a quick, reliable air pollution reduction strategy. However, the company had to sift…
  • Flash Report

    November 15, 2022
    Last Friday at the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference, or Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (more commonly referred to as COP27), in Egypt, United States President Joe Biden asserted that global warming posed an existential threat to the planet and promised his country would meet its targets for fighting it. In his speech, he said, “The climate crisis is about human security,…
  • Whitepaper

    October 10, 2023
    When ChatGPT launched in November 2022, it took just two months to garner a record 100 million users and capture broad market attention. Business leaders are eager to realise the enormous potential that ChatGPT as well as other generative AI models can offer.
  • Flash Report

    April 28, 2022
    What Happened to Mammoth Bank? Mammoth Bank demonstrated how quantification can be deployed to analyse ransomware risk accurately to acquire critical insights needed to build cyber resilience. Learn more about this fictional entity’s journey below.
  • Podcast

    October 8, 2020
    Welcome you to a new edition of Powerful Insights and our continuing series on cybersecurity awareness. This series is intended to highlight ways organisations can be proactive in addressing these critical security challenges. We explore how leaders can dynamically build cyber resilience while maximising value. In this series, we will be talking to our cybersecurity leaders who are in the market…
  • Podcast Transcript

    October 8, 2020
    Welcome you to a new edition of Powerful Insights and our continuing series on cybersecurity awareness. This series is intended to highlight ways organisations can be proactive in addressing these critical security challenges. We explore how leaders can dynamically build cyber resilience while maximising value. In this series, we will be talking to our cybersecurity leaders who are in the market…
  • Whitepaper

    January 20, 2022
    Una visione olistica e digitale per gestirlo con efficacia Con la pressione sulle supply chain seguita allo shock pandemico e alla successiva ripresa del ciclo economico, il rischio Terze Parti ha assunto un’importanza centrale e imposto una revisione del metodo con il quale è gestito. In questo Insights analizziamo le nuove sfide del Third Party Risk Management (TPRM), illustriamo il Framework…
  • Whitepaper

    May 5, 2020
    Protiviti is a proud sponsor of the Financial Services - Information and Sharing Analysis Center (FS-ISAC) Spring Virtual Summit 2020. Being the global financial industry's go-to resource for cyber and physical threat intelligence analysis and sharing, the Spring Summit is where top security professionals at the largest financial institutions gather to swap intelligence. Our Protiviti subject…