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  • Podcast

    November 17, 2021
    Guest host Lucy Pearman talks with Donna Timlen, CCO of OneMain Financial – America’s largest installment lender, about their compliance transformation: talent, technology, strategy and a root cause focus. Donna Timlen has been Chief Compliance Officer (CCO), based out of Baltimore, MD, of OneMain Financial since November 2015 and reports to the OneMain General Counsel. Donna has served as CCO…
  • Podcast

    March 24, 2021
    Protiviti has produced a series of podcasts on GRC programmes and technologies in which we obtained perspectives from Protiviti leaders and subject-matter experts around the world on GRC drivers, innovations and challenges in their markets. In this episode, we talked with Ivan Torres, a Director with Protiviti’s Technology Consulting group. Ivan, who is based in Mexico City, offers his views on…
  • Podcast

    March 24, 2021
    Protiviti has produced a series of podcasts on GRC programmes and technologies in which we obtained perspectives from Protiviti leaders and subject-matter experts around the world on GRC drivers, innovations and challenges in their markets. In this episode, we talked with Ivan Torres, a Director with Protiviti’s Technology Consulting group. Ivan, who is based in Mexico City, offers his views on…
  • Podcast

    March 23, 2022
    Quantum machine learning, or QML, is one of the three major application categories for quantum computing, along with optimisation and simulation. As we’re working with customers at Protiviti to find advantageous use cases in QML, we rely daily on a tool called PennyLane from Xanadu. Join host Konstantinos Karagiannis, and special cohost Emily Stamm, for a chat with Nathan Killoran from Xanadu to…
  • Whitepaper

    May 1, 2022
    “To put it bluntly, will companies enact courageous ESG policies only when it does not hurt?…This is a moment of truth. Stakeholders have been increasingly mobilised to question the premises of companies’ professed ESG activities. All too frequently, corporations and their executives engage in marketing or obfuscation of what they’re actually doing — what could more accurately be called ‘ESG-…
  • Podcast

    August 30, 2021
    The current and future state of suspicious activity monitoring and reporting is being transformed by technology and the use of data, analytics and robotics. In this episode, Mark Highton – Managing Director leading Protiviti’s Financial Crimes Consulting practice, interviews Vishal Ranjane - Head of Global AML Strategies, Solutions and Transformation at TD Bank, and Seth Twery - VP of Client…
  • Whitepaper

    April 21, 2023
    Il 15 marzo 2023 è stato pubblicato in Gazzetta Ufficiale il Decreto Legislativo n. 24/2023 del 10 marzo 2023, recante “Attuazione della Direttiva UE n. 2019/1937 riguardante la protezione delle persone che segnalano le violazioni del diritto dell’Unione e recante disposizioni riguardanti la protezione delle persone che segnalano violazioni delle disposizioni normative nazionali”. Il Decreto…
  • Whitepaper

    April 27, 2023
    Nelle prerogative delle grandi, medie ma anche piccole imprese si fa via via più spazio un’attenzione crescente verso le tematiche di sostenibilità, responsabilità aziendale e trasparenza verso i cittadini e le istituzioni. Basti pensare, in questa prospettiva, alle stime sul valore del mercato Green e alle politiche progressiste attuate dall’Unione Europea, prima tra tutte il Green New Deal1.…
  • Infographic

    May 2, 2023
    Talent sourcing and technology skilling headline concerns among insurance industry executives and boards in the face of rising labor costs and an increasingly competitive landscape. Strategic priorities include upskilling and reskilling employees as the need to acquire talent that can support digital transformation becomes more critical.
  • Whitepaper

    May 8, 2023
    Il 27 marzo l’Autorità Europea degli Strumenti Finanziari e dei Mercati (ESMA) ha aggiornato le “Guidelines1 on MiFID II product governance requirements” che definiscono l’orientamento sui processi d’ideazione, distribuzione e monitoraggio dei prodotti finanziari per tutelare gli utenti e prevenire o ridurre i casi di “misselling”. Entro i due mesi successivi alla pubblicazione (ovvero entro il…