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  • Newsletter

    February 12, 2021
    Like any enterprisewide organisational change, implementing an operational resilience programme across an organisation requires a careful and collaborative effort to be successful. Whether implementation has been in the works for several years or is just beginning, turning the resilience programme from concept to reality is hard work. Except for the most dynamic and change-oriented organisations…
  • Whitepaper

    July 13, 2021
    Identity management doesn’t happen overnight; there’s no “Easy” button to press, or magic snap-of-the-fingers instant fix. In fact, identity management has transformed into something far more complex than password authentication and simple security measures. It’s important to understand that jumping into a new technology instantaneously isn’t necessarily the right first step to ensuring a…
  • Podcast

    December 15, 2021
    Crypto agility measures how well your company can adapt to new cryptographic primitives and algorithms without making disruptive changes. Every company will need to achieve this bragging right as soon as possible to avoid the coming quantum computing cryptographic apocalypse. This includes a combination of auditing where you are on the journey and then actually taking action. During this podcast…
  • Podcast Transcript

    December 15, 2021
    Crypto agility measures how well your company can adapt to new cryptographic primitives and algorithms without making disruptive changes. Every company will need to achieve this bragging right as soon as possible to avoid the coming quantum computing cryptographic apocalypse. This includes a combination of auditing where you are on the journey and then actually taking action. During this podcast…
  • Survey

    January 24, 2022
    As CIOs strive to foster a data-first mindset throughout their organisations, they’ll discover that their CFOs are targeting the same objective in their finance groups — to make better decisions and take smarter risks. Protiviti’s 2021 Global Finance Trends Survey, an annual global survey of CFOs and finance leaders, shows that CFOs are strengthening their already-intense focus on data analytics…
  • Flash Report

    March 9, 2023
    The White House recently released a comprehensive national cybersecurity strategy that is sure to have a major impact on government agencies as well as private businesses. The Biden-Harris Administration has been percolating a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy for some time and in early March released the aptly named “National Cybersecurity Strategy.” The 35-page document was created to help…
  • Whitepaper

    June 27, 2023
    By Bernadine Reese and Jackie Sanz Regulators and many other stakeholders are intently focused on how financial institutions address environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters. Within financial institutions, boards of directors, executive management and much of the C-suite are weighing in on the ESG strategy and approach. Chief compliance officers (CCOs), though, have been remarkedly…
  • Whitepaper

    April 27, 2023
    Nelle prerogative delle grandi, medie ma anche piccole imprese si fa via via più spazio un’attenzione crescente verso le tematiche di sostenibilità, responsabilità aziendale e trasparenza verso i cittadini e le istituzioni. Basti pensare, in questa prospettiva, alle stime sul valore del mercato Green e alle politiche progressiste attuate dall’Unione Europea, prima tra tutte il Green New Deal1.…
  • Newsletter

    April 23, 2018
    Le implicazioni sulla governance aziendale in ambito Risk Negli ultimi anni, la crescente attenzione da parte della collettività alle tematiche sociali e ambientali, nonché l’evoluzione normativa nazionale e internazionale, hanno dato impulso al tema delle performance non finanziarie, che oggi entrano a pieno titolo fra i fattori qualificanti della gestione aziendale e di competitività nel…
  • Whitepaper

    September 24, 2016
    Protiviti ha condotto una Ricerca su un campione di società quotate e/o controllate dal MEF (Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze)Sono ormai trascorsi 10 anni dall’introduzione nell’ordinamento italiano della Legge 262/05 (c.d. Legge Risparmio), che ha avuto importanti riflessi sulla Governance e sul sistema di controllo interno aziendale, con particolare riferimento alla gestione e…