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  • Podcast Transcript

    May 5, 2023
    Intel is preparing to build its first quantum dot processor. But you don’t have to wait to try your hand at writing code for it. Thanks to the Intel Quantum SDK, you can access the support system and software stack for this future chip via simulators today. Prepare to run algorithms on a bleeding-edge platform in this episode of The Post-Quantum World. I’m your host, Konstantinos Karagiannis. I…
  • Client Story

    April 28, 2022
    Web application accessibility is critical to the ongoing success of any digital application. In fact, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) includes digital assets in its definition of “public places of accommodation” that should adhere to accessibility standards. Jamf, a global software company based in Minneapolis, Minn., produces applications to manage Apple devices and services and has a…
  • Podcast

    August 23, 2021
    Next in our Transformation Series, guest host Lucy Pearman talks with Sophie Krynauw about the future of insurance and workplaces in a digital environment with global collaborative teams focusing on outcomes rather than process. Sophie Krynauw is the Transformation Audit Director at Group Audit Zurich Insurance Group. And part-time triathlete. Sophie is responsible for the designing the future…
  • Newsletter

    May 13, 2021
    There is a growing interest across the world in the feasibility of quantum computing and when it will finally become a reality in business. And that’s for good reason. Quantum would enable problem-solving capabilities to address simulations and complicated optimisation questions involving a formidable number of variables and potential outcomes at amazing speeds not attainable with conventional…
  • Newsletter

    February 12, 2021
    Like any enterprisewide organisational change, implementing an operational resilience programme across an organisation requires a careful and collaborative effort to be successful. Whether implementation has been in the works for several years or is just beginning, turning the resilience programme from concept to reality is hard work. Except for the most dynamic and change-oriented organisations…
  • Whitepaper

    April 13, 2020
    Marcel de Jongh and Anneke Wieling, Protiviti restructuring specialists The corona virus is spreading quickly around the world. Your company’s first priority is the health and wellbeing of your employees and their families. Your second priority is to keep calm and to control your cash flows and cash position. Nobody can predict the future, but you can take measures to optimise your cash – and to…
  • Whitepaper

    September 20, 2020
    In early August 2020, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) released a consultative document, titled “Principles for Operational Resilience,” that proposed a pragmatic yet flexible approach to operational resilience, one intended to be principles-based. Publication of the consultative document was expected and timely, coming amid a growing regulatory focus on operational risks and the…
  • Whitepaper

    December 12, 2022
    Ask an executive from most any company anywhere across the globe what her biggest concern is for 2023 and she is likely to say “uncertainty” — notably, uncertainty about how geopolitical tensions, national elections and their aftermath, and economic conditions will affect the business as well as uncertainty about the company’s ability to adapt to the post- COVID work environment.
  • Flash Report

    June 8, 2023
    On Tuesday, June 6, 2023, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (collectively, the agencies) issued the “Interagency Guidance on Third-Party Relationships: Risk Management.”[1] This marks the long-awaited finalisation of the proposed guidance that was initially issued on July 19,…
  • Flash Report

    June 20, 2017
    Nel mese di maggio 2015, il Legislatore Europeo ha emanato il testo definitivo della nuova Direttiva in tema di contrasto al riciclaggio e al finanziamento del terrorismo che, come è noto, reca modifiche al panorama normativo ad oggi in essere sul tema. La IV Direttiva impone il 26 giugno 2017 come data ultima ai fini del recepimento delle proprie previsioni all’interno degli ordinamenti…