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  • Blogs

    April 13, 2021
    Cybersecurity, Privacy, Data and Resilience Dominate the Top Technology Challenges for Energy and Utilities Organisations.
  • Survey

    June 28, 2022
    Results of ISACA/Protiviti global survey reveal cybersecurity, privacy, data and regulatory compliance are top-of-mind concerns An uncertain global economy, volatile geopolitical developments, a persistent pandemic and an evolving catalog of technology risks have created mounting challenges for IT audit leaders and their functions. The results of the latest IT Audit Technology Risks Survey from…
  • Survey

    October 2, 2018
    GDPR: qual è il grado di maturità delle aziende italiane? A questa domanda intende rispondere la survey condotta da Oracle Community for Security insieme a Protiviti, Clusit, AUSED ed Europrivacy nel periodo compreso tra marzo e giugno 2018 e rivolta a 239 aziende operanti per lo più nei settori dell’Information Technology, Manifatturiero, Bancario e Finanziario, Utilities, Servizi e Professioni…
  • In Focus

    July 19, 2024
    U.S. District Judge Paul Engelmayer has dismissed most of the charges made by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) against software company and 2020 cyberattack victim SolarWinds and its chief information security officer (CISO), Tim Brown. In its original lawsuit, filed in October 2023, the SEC alleged that SolarWinds had defrauded investors by concealing security weaknesses in its…
  • Survey

    February 15, 2024
    Chief financial officers (CFOs) have a unique vantage point regarding talent management, one that explains why the ability to attract, develop and retain top talent represents their top risk concern in both 2024 and 2034.
  • Podcast

    March 13, 2024
    In this special edition of the Protiviti Legal Perspectives podcast series, we delve into the complexities of new data protection and cybersecurity government regulations in the defense industry with Alex Alexander W. Major, Partner, McCarter & English and Perry Keating, President of Protiviti Government Services. The Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) was recently promulgated…
  • Whitepaper

    April 22, 2021
    Con l’istituzione del Perimetro di Sicurezza Nazionale Cibernetica (D.L. 105 del 2019), l’Italia ha fatto un deciso passo avanti per assicurare la sicurezza di reti, sistemi informativi e servizi informatici delle organizzazioni (pubbliche e private) essenziali per il Paese.
  • Newsletter

    May 8, 2024
    Whether an acquisition is a stand-alone, complementary entity or an integration, the due diligence process is undergoing a paradigm shift due to the higher cost of funding and the impact of failed transactions. Boards should expect a more aggressive focus on due diligence.How has the due diligence process changed in recent years? For sure, the complexity of certain topics, such as environmental…
  • Flash Report

    December 14, 2020
    On December 13, 2020, the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued an emergency directive detailing required action for federal agencies to mitigate the threat of the recently discovered compromise involving SolarWinds® Orion® Network Management products that are currently being exploited by malicious actors. (Read the SolarWinds Security Advisory here.) Given the nature…
  • Whitepaper

    August 1, 2022
    The purpose of security analytics in an organisation Security metrics and the analysis of security information can be challenging concepts even for leading organisations. As information security professionals, most of us have been taught that in order to have a mature information security function we must both document and measure the organisation’s security capabilities. If policies are the…